Genomsnittlig Ethereum-gasavgift hoppar till $20 per överföring, L2 Avgifter Följ Stig

Genomsnittlig Ethereum-gasavgift hoppar till $20 per överföring, L2 Avgifter Följ Stig

Medan Ethereums nätverksavgifter för att överföra data har sjunkit avsevärt på senare tid, knacka ett lågt av $5.98 per transaktion i mitten av mars, gasavgifterna stiger återigen på det näst största kryptovalutanätverket sett till marknadsvärdering. På söndag, april 3, the average transaction network fee is around 0.0056 ether or $19.58 per transfer.

Ethereum Network Fees Spike

Last month was one of the best times to cheaply move eterum (ETH) without it costing a fortune in network fees. På marsch 12, 2022, Ethereum’s network fees dropped to a low of $5.98 per transaction after reaching a high on January 10, på $52 per transfer.

The transaction fee data highlights that between mid-January to mid-March, ethereum fees decreased by 88.49%. i alla fall, since the low 22 dagar sedan, Ethereum (ETH) network fees increased to $19.58 per transfer on average.

I skrivande stund, Ethereum’s average network fee is 0.0056 ether per transaction and median-sized ETH fees can cost 0.0021 ETH eller $7.47 per transaktion. Median-sized fees (MSF) on Ethereum reached a low of $2.39 per transfer on March 11, 2022. On January 10, MSF on Ethereum tapped a high of $29 per transfer.

While both average fees and MSF on Ethereum have risen via layer one (L1), layer two (L2) fees have also increased. Loopring currently offers the lowest L2 fee at $0.15 per transfer. To swap a token via Loopring the cost is $0.87. På söndag, april 3, the current L1 cost to swap a token is $25.67 per transaktion.

Zksync offers common eterum (ETH) transfers for $0.21 per L2 transfer, while token swap transactions will cost $0.52 per swap. Polygon Hermez is $0.25 to simply move ethereum and Boba Network will charge $0.79 per transfer. Boba Network costs $1.27 to trade an Ethereum-based token.

Arbitrum One L2 fees are currently $0.81 per transfer and the cost to trade tokens via Arbitrum is $1.12. Optimism fees are $1.28 per ETH transfer and its currently $1.89 to swap a token via Optimisms L2 infrastructure. Users can also leverage the Aztec Network which will cost $2.48 per ETH överföra, which is much cheaper than the $7.47 MSF per transaction.

What do you think about Ethereum network fees starting to rise again after last months low? Låt oss veta vad du tycker om detta ämne i kommentarsfältet nedan.