Stora nedsänkningskylda kryptogruvgårdar för att extrahera Bitcoin i Mellanösterns öken

A project to build two large-scale facilities for cryptocurrency mining is underway in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The high-tech data centers will rely on a full immersion solution to cool the power-hungry miners as the desert climate renders air-cooled mining

Digitala tillgångar för 1 Miljarder rubel ges ut i Ryssland på en månad

Platforms authorized by the Russian government issued digital assets worth around a billion rubles in April, the local press reported. The spike in the volume has been attributed to Russian companies experimenting with new financial instruments amid limited access to traditional

Japans inflation stiger till 3.5% som ny BOJ-guvernör tar rodret

Denna vecka, the Statistics Bureau of Japan unveiled the latest core consumer price index (KPI) report for the country, revealing a surge to 3.5%. This figure comes as a surprise to analysts who had predicted a more modest 2.9% for the

Den ryske utrikesministern Sergey Lavrov hävdar att dollarminskningen "kan inte längre stoppas"

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has spoken on the current shift to national currencies and the de-dollarization international markets are currently experiencing. In a press conference after addressing the UN Security Council on April 25, Lavrov stated this shift could not

Ryssland kommer att öka beroendet av nationella valutor i energihandeln, Lovar att flytta bort från den amerikanska dollarn

Russia will increase its reliance on national currencies to settle payments for its energy resources, moving away from the US dollar, according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak. Novak noted there is a great interest in acquiring Russian energy resources,…

Jeffrey Tucker säger att dollar kommer att avsättas, Rysk tjänsteman talar om de-dollarisering, och en titt på Historic Fractional Reserve Banking i Italien — vecka i översyn

Bitcoin proponents eyeing fiat failures are in no shortage of news on the topic as of late, as multiple officials, economists, författare, and analysts from around the world have been weighing in on “de-dollarisering” in a prolific fashion. Author and libertarian

Latam Insights – Inflationen skjuter i höjden i Argentina, El Salvador behandlar licenser för digitala tillgångar, Venezuelansk kryptokorruptionsundersökning fortsätter

Välkommen till Latam Insights, ett kompendium med de mest relevanta nyheterna om krypto och ekonomisk utveckling från Latinamerika under den senaste veckan. I detta nummer: Inflation in Argentina goes over 100%, El Salvador issues its first digital assets licenses, och den…

Brasilien och Kina fördjupar handelsintegrationen för att gå bort från amerikanska dollar, som den första Yuan-baserade uppgörelsen behandlas

Brazil and China have reached a milestone in their economic integration, as the first bilateral settlement in Chinese yuan was completed ahead of the visit of President Luis InacioLulada Silva to China. The settlement, which was processed by the

Analytiker väger in BRICS-valutan som verktyg för att möta amerikanska dollarbaserade sanktioner

Analysts have begun considering using a future BRICS currency to sidestep U.S. sanctions and the dollar’s influence in international markets. While the rise of the U.S. dollar was significant to spur an era of economic growth after World War II, de…

Ekonomer förväntar sig att Fed kommer att avslöja ytterligare 25bps räntehöjning innan de pausar för resten av 2023

After the March rate hike by the Federal Reserve, economists believe that the recent move by Saudi Arabia and several members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to cut oil production could complicate the central bank’s mission. Dessutom,…