Sotheby's till Auction 3AC:s NFT-samling, Inklusive Larva Labs Zombie Punk och Dmitri Cherniaks "Golden Goose"

På onsdag, Sotheby's, one of the world’s largest brokers of fine and decorative art, announced its plans to auction a number of non-fungible token (NFT) assets that were previously owned by the now-defunct crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital (3AC). De…

Endast 4% av företag i Spanien har flyttat för att erbjuda tjänster i metaversen

Endast 4% of the companies in Spain have managed to apply the metaverse to their operations, according to a survey conducted by ISDI, a national business school. 40% of the business managers surveyed have admitted that it is difficult for them

Meta kommer att fortsätta att driva in Metaverse-investeringar 2023 Enligt Head Of Reality Labs

Meta will continue to invest in VR (virtual reality) tech in 2023, according to statements made by Andrew Bosworth, head of Reality Labs, the metaverse division of the company. While Meta has made some changes and adapted to the current shaky

FIFA avslöjar en rad nya Web 3․0-spel inför FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™

PRESSMEDDELANDE. FIFA has unveiled a portfolio of new future-focussed web 3.0 games to entertain and engage a wider group of fans ahead of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™. Gaming and esports are some of the fastest-growing opportunities for FIFA as

Big Four Company EY tar Wavespace Utility till Metaverse

EY, one of thebig fouraccounting companies, is taking part of its software suite into the metaverse. EY wavespace, a utility that lets customers join meetings with EY personnel from several places around the world, will now include immersive experiences,…

Retail Giant Walmart beskriver kryptostrategin – chefen förutser många störningar i betalningsalternativen

Walmart’s global chief technology officer has revealed crypto’s role in the retail giant’s future. “Crypto will become an important part of how customers transact,” the executive said. “We want to make sure that we make it as friction free for customers

Strateg på Sydostasiens största bank DBS säger att Bitcoin är unikt oavsett pris

An investment strategist at Southeast Asias largest bank, DBS, says bitcoin is unique whether the price changes or not. “If we just look purely on a price basis, you will see a lot of volatility and that doesnt inform you a

Sydostasiens största bank DBS lanserar självstyrd kryptohandel bland institutionell efterfrågan

The largest bank in Southeast Asia, DBS, has launched self-directed cryptocurrency trading via its app. More customers are now qualified to access the banks digital asset exchange and trade cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin and ether. DBS Launches Self-Directed Crypto Trading DBS, de…

Funko planerar att lansera Jay and Silent Bob NFT Collection via Digital Collectibles Platform Droppp

Tre månader sedan, Funko Inc., avslöjade att den gick in i den icke-fungibla token (NFT) industrin när den tillkännagav att den förvärvade en majoritetsägandeandel i NFT-startupen Tokenwave. Just då, Funko’s vd Brian Mariotti förklarade det “Funko Pop digital