Ukraina snabbar upp digitala hryvniaprojekt, Planerar pilot för i år

Ukrainian authorities are speeding up the development of the electronic hryvnia, a high-ranking government official indicated. The executive power in Kyiv is now in talks with the central bank and businesses involved in the project to pilot the digital currency as

CoinEx: Att anamma en ny kryptoframtid genom att göra kryptohandeln enklare under de kommande fem åren

PRESSMEDDELANDE. I december 2022, CoinEx will celebrate its fifth birthday. Since its inception, the crypto exchange has gone through bulls and bears and attracted over four million users across more than 200 countries and regions worldwide. For both CoinEx and

Ripple för att delta i Digital Dollar Projects CBDC Sandbox Program

Den ideella organisationen som främjar skapandet av den digitala dollarn, Digital Dollar Project, har tillkännagett lanseringen av ett sandlådeprogram för att kickstarta undersökningen av de tekniska implementeringarna av den planerade digitala valutan. The fintech firm Ripple is among

Nepal förbereder sig för att ge ut digital valuta, Utkast till nödvändiga ändringar

En arbetsgrupp i Nepal har föreslagit lagändringar som tillåter landet’s centralbank att ge ut sin egen digitala valuta. The move comes after a study indicated that such an initiative is feasible and recommended certain provisions that would authorize the

Kazakstan slår ner mot illegal gruvdrift, Byster 13 Kryptogårdar

Authorities in Kazakhstan have gone after illegal crypto mining operations amid ongoing issues with electricity supply. Working together with law enforcement, landet’s energy ministry announced the closure of over a dozen facilities minting digital currencies. Government Shuts Down Unauthorized Crypto

Europeiska kommissionen lanserar digitala eurokonsultationer i mars, Lägg fram lagförslag i början av nästa år

The executive arm of the EU is gearing up to start public consultations on the digital euro project next month. The European Commission will also prepare new legislation to establish the legal basis for the digital version of the common European