Gamefi-projektet Oasys syftar till att växa blockchain-spel i Japan genom YGG-partnerskap

Oasys, a gaming-oriented, Japan-based Web3 project, is partnering with YGG, a blockchain gaming guild, to grow blockchain gaming in Japan. The partnership encompasses the use of YGG resources to promote gaming projects built on top of the Oasys ecosystem, giving developers

Square Enix stänger $300 Miljonförsäljning av Western Studios till Bankroll Blockchain Pivot

Square Enix, the influential Japanese gaming and publishing company, has sold its Western studios and some of its Western intellectual properties (IPs) to Embracer Group. The deal, which values these properties at $300 miljon, will allow the company to focus on

Ubisoft Executive anser att spelare avvisar NFTs eftersom de inte förstår fördelarna

Nicolas Pouard, an executive at Ubisoft, one of the leading videogame companies in the entertainment world, has issued his take on the backlash from gamers regarding the inclusion of NFTs in traditional franchises. The VP at Ubisofts Strategic Innovations Lab stated

Konamis Castlevania Anniversary NFT-rea höjer över $160 000

Konami, en japansk spelutvecklare och programutgivare, samlade in mer än 160 000 $ i sitt första försök till den icke-fungibla token (NFT) scen. Detta var resultatet av en NFT-auktion relaterad till 35-årsjubileet av Castlevania, one of its most

Sega kan släppa NFT-experiment om det uppfattas av spelare som ett grepp om pengar

Sega, a leading videogame development company, has announced its new stance when it comes to the play-to-earn model and the inclusion of NFTs in its games. In the latest management meeting of the company, which happened on December 24th, Sega CEO

Defi Kingdoms når rekordaktivitetsnivåer ovanpå Metaverse Push

Defi Kingdoms, a metaverse-based blockchain game, is experiencing a rise in activity due to the push that metaverse projects are now having in the market. Enligt Dappradar, the activity on the game has risen considerably. This is also accompanied by

Spelutvecklarna GSC Game World och Ubisoft Face Backlash Om NFT Inclusion

GSC Game World and Ubisoft, two game development companies, are dealing with backlash about the inclusion of NFT elements in some of their games. While GSC Game Worlddeveloper of the popular Stalker gaming franchisehas abandoned its plans

Rarible NFT Marketplace integrerar Tezos Blockchain, Kommer att stödja Ubisoft-siffror

På onsdag, the non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace Rarible announced that the platform now supports the Tezos blockchain network. The move follows Raribles integration with the Flow blockchain protocol in mid-November, and the NFT marketplace now supports a total of three blockchain

Ess, jokrar, och NFT: Spelkortstillverkare Cykel lanserar NFT Genesis Collection

The well known playing card manufacturer Bicycle has announced the launch of the companys first non-fungible token (NFT) collection. The NFT card collectibles called theGenesis Collectionwere designed by the artist Adrian Valenzuela and the first drop of NFTs were

Videospelsjätten Ubisoft lanserar NFT-plattform, Programvaruföretagets Blockchain-Tech körs på Tezos

The French video game manufacturer based in Montreuil, Ubisoft Entertainment SA, has announced the company has launched a blockchain-based platform called Ubisoft Quartz. According to the company, the platform will enhance specific games with playable and energy-efficient non-fungible token (NFT) tillgångar….