IMF blogg: Räntorna sjunker till nivåer före pandemi när inflationen har tämjts

When inflation in advanced economies is tamed, real interest rates are likely to drop to pre-pandemic levels, the latest International Monetary Fund (IMF) blog post has said. According to the authors of the blog post, the transition to acleaner economy

Påstådd kenyansk lagförslag föreslår en utvidgning av definitionen av värdepapper för att inkludera kryptotillgångar

A bill seeking to put blockchain and crypto assets under the purview of the Kenyan Capital Markets Authority is supposedly set to be debated in the country’s parliament. The bill also seeks towiden the meaning of ‘securitiesto capture digital

Innovationer hjälper till att avsevärt minska klyftan mellan decentraliserade och centraliserade utbyten — Dexalot COO

While centralized exchanges are thought to be safer and more efficient, proponents of decentralized platforms like Tim Shan insist that user experience on decentralized exchanges has improved. För övrigt, inherent benefits associated with decentralized exchanges such as the self-custody of assets

Rapportera: FTX lovade höga inkomster till afrikanska studenter som framgångsrikt rekryterade medstudenter

Den kollapsade kryptobörsen FTX använde enligt uppgift lockelsen av höga inkomster för att övertyga afrikanska universitetsstudenter att bli dess ambassadörer. Förutom att uppmuntra nya FTX-investerare att använda plattformen, student ambassadors were also required to teach them about

Oman Capital Markets Regulator planerar att upprätta ett Virtual Assets Regulatory Framework

The Oman Capital Market Authority (CMA) has said it plans to establish a regulatory regime to govern as well as develop the country’s virtual assets market. The regulator said the envisaged regulatory regime enables it to avail analternative financing and

FTX och Alameda Research kollapsar sorgligt evenemang men "bra för det långa loppet" säger DWF Labs Managing Partner

While the collapse of the crypto exchange FTX and its affiliate Alameda Research is thought to have left many crypto players, including market makers, in the worst possible position, according to Andrei Grachev, managing partner at DWF Labs, this incident may

Defi mer skalbar än traditionell ekonomi, Ny studie säger

Despite the market conditions that prevailed in much of 2022, decentraliserad finans (defi) still demonstrated its greater scaling potential than that of the traditional financial industry, a new report has said. Even though the total value locked dropped from the peak

Att förlita sig på centraliserade databaser gör Dapps sårbara för datamanipulering, säger Nate Holiday

Decentralized applications (dapps) are prone to data tampering because theyare largely built on top of centralized databases and services,” the CEO of Space and Time Nate Holiday has said. The CEO also shared a list of data tampering risks which

Sydafrikansk regering lägger till kryptoenheter till "listan över ansvariga institutioner"

According to the South African government, crypto entities — or businesses whose activities include the exchange or transfer of crypto assets — are set to be included in the list of so-called accountable institutions starting Dec. 19. Businesses that convert one

VICUNA plattform, Lukt i Metaverse-VINAVerse

VICUNA is designed to develop cutting-edge technology and applications that push users beyond the limits of immersive experiences. VICUNA team believes in building products that improve customerslives and advance the state of VR as an industry with a strong focus