Varningar för skulddeflation, Shibarium Buzz ser SHIB stiga, Tidigare FTX USA:s president talar SBF, och mer — vecka i granskning

The Price of Tomorrowauthor Jeff Booth has warned of agreat depression on steroidsif the U.S. Federal Reserve keeps hiking interest rates, while buzz about the anticipated layer two (L2) scaling solution known as Shibarium has been the backdrop

NFT-försäljningen den här veckan ökade 27% Högre, Cryptopunks reser sig över uttråkade apor

Den dec. 14, 2022, statistics show that non-fungible token (NFT) sales jumped 27.72% higher than NFT sales recorded last week. The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT collection captured the most sales this week but on Wednesday afternoon, the floor value

Stablecoin GUSDs utbud hoppar nära 130% Högre in 30 dagar

While the stablecoin economy has seen fluctuations from specific stablecoin tokens either increasing the projects number of tokens in circulation or decreasing the supply, the stablecoin GUSD issued by Gemini has increased by 129.5% under den sista 30 dagar. GUSD Sees

VICUNA plattform, Lukt i Metaverse-VINAVerse

VICUNA is designed to develop cutting-edge technology and applications that push users beyond the limits of immersive experiences. VICUNA team believes in building products that improve customerslives and advance the state of VR as an industry with a strong focus

Kedjeanalysrapport säger $2.2 Miljoner i krypto har skickats till pro-ryska grupper i Ukraina

Enligt en rapport som härrör från blockchain-underrättelseföretaget Chainalysis, företaget identifierat 54 pro-ryska grupper som har “kollektivt tagit emot $2.2 cryptocurrency till ett värde av miljoner.” The paramilitary groups in Ukraine primarily received bitcoin and ether donations but also got

Bored Ape och Cryptopunk Values ​​Wobble — Under den senaste månaden, Blue-Chip NFT-golvvärden har sjunkit 50%

Medan kryptoekonomin har sjunkit avsevärt i värde under de senaste veckorna, sjudagarsstatistik indikerar icke-fungibel token (NFT) försäljningen går ner 17.32% lägre än förra veckan. Data also shows NFT floor values have tumbled a great deal during the

SEC nekar begäran om Freedom of Information Act angående Tether-dokument

I september 24, the staff writer for The New Republic, Jacob Silverman, tweeted about a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request he filed that was ultimately denied. On the social media platform, Silverman wrote that he got Securities and Exchange Commission