Nigerija podaljšala rok za vračilo bankovcev Naira, ki bodo kmalu demonetizirani

Po sprva ignoriranju prošenj za podaljšanje roka za vračilo starih bankovcev naira, Nigerijska centralna banka je nedavno sporočila, da je rok za vračilo starih bankovcev premaknila na februar. 10. Guverner banke, Godwinov večer, so rekli nekateri 30,000 so-called super

New South African Code Says Crypto Asset Ads Must Include Capital Loss Warning

Crypto asset service providers in South Africa seeking to attract investors via advertisements mustexpressly and clearly state that investing in crypto assets may result in the loss of capital.Influencers working on behalf of crypto asset service providers mustnot

East African Community to Decide on Regional Central Bank Launch in 2023

The East African Community (EAC) will decide during the course of the year 2023 when and where it will locate the envisioned regional central bank, the regional intergovernmental organization’s Peter Mathuki has reportedly said. The setting up of the regional central

Poročilo: Egiptovski funt je dosegel novo najnižjo vrednost v primerjavi z ameriškim dolarjem kljub prilagodljivemu režimu menjalnega tečaja

Menjalni tečaj egiptovskega funta v primerjavi z ameriškim. januarja padel na novo najnižjo vrednost. 11 potem ko se je dotaknil 32.14 na zelenca. Zadnja znatna depreciacija valute je prišla le nekaj mesecev po tem, ko je sprejela prilagodljivo menjavo…

Nigerian Presidential Hopeful’s Party Says It Will Review Country’s Blockchain and Crypto Policy if Elected

The party of the Nigerian presidential hopeful Asiwaju Bola Tinubu has promised to set up an advisory committee to review regulations that govern blockchain and virtual asset services if it wins in the upcoming elections. The All Progressives Congress also said

Več kot tretjina Afrike 53 Milijoni lastnikov kriptovalut so iz Nigerije, Študijske oddaje

With an estimated 53 million cryptocurrency owners, the African continent now accounts for 16.5% of the global total, a study has found. The study findings suggest that Nigeria, which has more than 22 million crypto owners, currently accounts for more than

Centralna banka Gane napoveduje uvedbo regulativnega peskovnika

Ghanas recently launched regulatory and innovation sandbox is the latest proof of the central banks commitment to a regulatory environment that promotes “inovativnost, financial inclusion and financial stability,” a statement released by the Bank of Ghana has said. Glede na…

Predsednik Srednjeafriške republike pravi, da je uspešno lansiranje kovanca Sango ključni mejnik

According to Central African Republic President Faustin-Archange Touadéra, his countrys launch of theSango coin” valuta, as well as the call for the creation of a common digital currency by the regional central bank, represent two key achievements for his country

Prodaja žetonov Srednjeafriške republike se počasi začenja — $1.26 Milijon, zbran v Under 5 Dnevi

The Central African Republics token sale appeared to have gotten to a slow start after less than 13 million out of the 210 million Sango coins were sold since the commencement of the sale on July 25. The country has claimed

Srednjeafriška republika naj bi lansirala kripto kovanec, Bitcoiners Slam Move

centralna afriška republika (AVTOMOBIL) president Faustin-Archange Touadera announced recently that cryptocurrencies are an alternative to cash. Bitcoiners, vendar, insist the top cryptocurrency is the only solution to the CARs money problems. Formal Economy Not an Option Central African Republic president Faustin-Archange