Bitso sodeluje z Addem Capital za zagotavljanje naložbenih instrumentov v kriptovalute v Latamu

Ime, borza kriptovalut s sedežem v Mehiki, je napovedal novo partnerstvo z Addem Capital, dolžniški sklad, ki startupom in drugim podjetjem ponuja možnosti financiranja. Menjalnica kriptovalut bo obdelala plačila za sklad in zagotovila funkcije pretvorbe, allowing it to

Belorusija je zasegla milijone dolarjev v kripto, Trditve glavnega preiskovalca

Authorities in Belarus have mastered the seizure of cryptocurrencies, the head of the countrys Investigative Committee revealed in a recent interview. The high-ranking law enforcement official claims the state has already confiscated crypto assets worth millions of dollars. Companies Allegedly Help

Portuguese Parliament Rejects Crypto Tax Proposals During Budget Debate

Two proposals to tax crypto assets have failed to gain support from Portuguese lawmakers who are now discussing the state budget. The bids came from minority left-wing parties, while the ruling majority is yet to put forward its own draft to

Thailand Exempts Crypto Transfers From VAT Until End of 2023

Authorities in Thailand have formally introduced a value-added tax (VAT) exemption for transfers of cryptocurrencies through government-approved exchanges. The tax break, in force until the end of next year, will also apply to digital currency issued by the Bank of Thailand….

Elon Musk zagotavlja financiranje iz kripto prijaznega Binance, Sequoia, Zvestoba nakupu Twitterja

Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk has secured $7.139 billion in new financing commitments to fund his acquisition of Twitter, including from several pro-crypto companies. Cryptocurrency exchange Binance, na primer, has committed to invest $500 million in the social media platform

Belorusija je sprejela pravni postopek za zaseg nedovoljene kriptovalute

Izvajanje nedavno podpisanega predsedniškega odloka, beloruska vlada je uvedla postopek, ki državi omogoča zaseg imetja digitalnih valut. Ta poteza bo organom pregona v Minsku podelila pooblastila za zaseg kripto sredstev, povezanih z nezakonitimi dejavnostmi. Justice

Bitpay dodaja Lightning Network, Mladinska modna znamka Pacsun bo sprejemala plačila prek Lightninga

aprila 6, one of the largest cryptocurrency payment platforms in the world, Bitpay, announced the Atlanta-based company has integrated bitcoin payments via the Lightning Network. According to the announcement on Wednesday, the youth-focused American retail clothing brand Pacific Sunwear (Pacsun)…

Bandai Namco napoveduje Metaverse na temo Gundam

Bandai Namco, razvijalec iger in založniško podjetje, ki se ukvarja s proizvodnjo igrač iz več intelektualnih lastnin (IP-ji), je razkril več informacij o svojem 130 milijonov dolarjev vrednem metaverse gambitu. Podjetje pravi, da bo ta nova pobuda temeljila na njegovem IP-ju Gundam,…

Moški iz Nevade priznava krivdo $722 Milijonska goljufiva shema kriptovalut

A Nevada man has admitted his role in laundering funds solicited for the Bitclub Network, a $722 million fraudulent cryptocurrency scheme. He also pleaded guilty to tax offenses. Bitclub Network Investor Pleads Guilty The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Thursday

Santander bo ponudil posojila, podprta z žetoni kmetijskih proizvodov

Santander is developing the possibility of offering loans backed by tokens that are collateralized in agricultural products. The bank has partnered with Agrotoken, a company that launched a series of agricultural commodity tokens already being used in agriculture-related markets to make