Kongresne prepustnice $1.2 Trilijonski zakon o infrastrukturi – zagovorniki kripto kritizirajo spremenjeno definicijo posrednika, Davčna številka 6050I

Congress has passed the Biden administrations bill aimed at improving infrastructure, fighting climate change, and bolstering social services. The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, which also expands the definition of a broker, awaits U.S. president Joe Bidens signature after passing with a

IRS, Janet Yellen Press Lawmakers to Push ‘Tax Compliance Agenda’ — Banks to Report Deposits, Withdrawals of $600

V sredo, ZDA. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) commissioner Charles Rettig and Janet Yellen, the Treasury secretary, urged lawmakers to give the IRS permission to report annual inflows and outflows from American bank accounts. Regardless of tax liability, financial institutions across the