Ricardo Salinas Pliego Hints at Elektra Group Selling Bitcoin in Its Stores

Ricardo Salinas Pliego, president of the Salinas Group, owner of the Elektra Group stores, hinted at the possibility of the shops selling bitcoin. The executive stated that due to the regulations of the Central Bank of Mexico, his company cannot implement

Raziskovalno podjetje napoveduje, da bo Bitcoin v drugi polovici leta dosegel 200 tisoč dolarjev 2022, ETH bo dosegel 12 tisoč dolarjev

This week in a note to investors, Fsinsight, a Fundstrat company, said bitcoin could reach $200,000 during the second half of the year. In the investors note, Fsinsights head of digital asset strategy, Sean Farrell, said the parabolic growth would be

Jack Dorsey’s Payments Company Is ‘Officially Building an Open Bitcoin Mining System’

In mid-October 2021, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey revealed the payments firm Block Inc. (formally Square) was considering joining the bitcoin mining industry. Three months later, Dorsey tweeted that his firm wasofficially building an open bitcoin mining system.The Blocks Hardware

Kraljevina Tonga bo morda sprejela Bitcoin kot zakonito plačilno sredstvo, Pravi nekdanji poslanec

Kraljevina Tonga lahko sprejme bitcoin kot zakonito plačilno sredstvo, po besedah ​​nekdanjega člana Tonge’s parlamentom, Gospod Fusitu’a, ki je tvitnil o možnem časovnem načrtu tega dogodka. varovalka’a verjame, da bo do naslednje jeseni račun…

Dogecoin narašča, potem ko je Elon Musk objavil, da bo Tesla sprejela DOGE

Dogecoin got a boost Tuesday morning when Elon Musk announced that Tesla will be accepting dogecoin for some products. Musk has just been named Time Magazines Person of the Year and said that DOGE is more suitable for transactions than bitcoin….

Bitcoin Mining Company Griid Secures $525 Million Credit Facility From Blockchain.com

V ponedeljek, the mining firm Griid Infrastructure announced the company has secured a $525 million credit facility from the crypto firm Blockchain.com. Glede na napoved, the credit facility will be a four-year term in order to increase the companys mining

Ameriški predsednik Biden se bliža odločitvi, da bo izbral predsednika Feda – poročila kažejo na žrebanje med Powellom in Brainardom

Following the passing of the Biden administrations infrastructure bill, ZDA. president appears to be nearing his decision on whether or not he will reappoint Jerome Powell, the current Federal Reserve Board chairperson. According to a few reports Powell may be

Predsednik Mehike zanika, da bi imel interes za sprejetje bitcoina kot zakonitega plačilnega sredstva

The President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, denied having any interest in adopting cryptocurrencies as legal tender in the country. The statements, offered in a press conference in the National Palace this week, also confirmed that the Mexican government will

Binance pripravlja spremembe za sodelovanje z regulatorji po vsem svetu

Binance, the leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced it is preparing changes to be able to work with regulators more closely. Its CEO, Changpeng Zhao, stated the company is ready to apply the needed revisions to transform the exchange into a regulated