New York Attorney General Wants to Hear From Investors Deceived by Crypto Platforms

New York Attorney General Letitia James has urged investors in her state who believe they have been deceived by a crypto platform to contact her office. “Investors were promised large returns on cryptocurrencies, but instead lost their hard-earned money,” she stressed….

Bitpay dodaja Lightning Network, Mladinska modna znamka Pacsun bo sprejemala plačila prek Lightninga

aprila 6, one of the largest cryptocurrency payment platforms in the world, Bitpay, announced the Atlanta-based company has integrated bitcoin payments via the Lightning Network. According to the announcement on Wednesday, the youth-focused American retail clothing brand Pacific Sunwear (Pacsun)…

Deloitte: 82% of Indians Surveyed Plan to Invest in Crypto Once Government Provides Regulatory Clarity

A recent survey by Deloitte shows that 82% of Indians plan to invest in cryptocurrency when the government provides more clarity surrounding the regulation of crypto assets. Poleg tega, 77.4% of respondents want cryptocurrency to be treated as securities. Indian Crypto Survey:…

Monster-Sized Bitcoin Whale Transfers: Blockchain Parser Catches Significant Amounts of ‘Cold BTC’ Moved to Active Exchanges

Two days ago on November 30, the price of bitcoin (BTC) tapped a high that day reaching $59,250 na enoto, but it has since dropped close to 5% in value to just above the $56K region. Onchain statistics indicate that whales

Lokalna podjetja v New Yorku pozivajo guvernerja, naj uvede moratorij na rudarjenje bitcoinov za celotno državo

Guverner zvezne države New York, Kathy Hochul, je skupina lokalnih podjetij pozvala, naj zavrnejo poslovna dovoljenja rudarjem bitcoinov. Pismo posebej zahteva “zavrnitev dovoljenj za generatorsko postajo Greenidge in Fortistar…

Salvadorsko računsko sodišče bo preiskalo vladne nakupe bankomatov za bitcoine, Gradnja kioska Chivo

According to reports stemming from the Salvadoran Court of Accounts, the regulatory body is planning to investigate the governments bitcoin automated teller machine (bankomat) purchases and Chivo kiosk construction. The investigation follows the recent protest in El Salvador against the adoption