Žetoni Metaverse so boljši od najboljših kripto sredstev v 2023 Z Decentralandovim MANA na čelu skupine

During the first month of 2023, the top two leading cryptocurrencies, bitcoin and ethereum, experienced double-digit gains against the U.S. dolar. medtem, several alternative cryptocurrencies saw even greater increases in value, with metaverse tokens like Decentraland’s MANA and The Sandbox’s SAND rising 92-150% against the greenback.


Metaverse Crypto Assets Outshine Bitcoin and Ethereum

Metaverse crypto assets have outperformed both bitcoin (BTC) in ethereum (ETH), the leading crypto asset and top smart contract token, oz. V preteklem mesecu, Decentraland’s MANA token has been the top performer, rising 150% proti ZDA. dolar. Over the last two weeks, MANA climbed 7.3%, and in the past seven days, it rose 2.9%. januarja 31, 2023, a single MANA was trading for $0.716 do $0.755 na enoto.

Metaverse Tokens Outperform Top Crypto Assets in 2023 With Decentraland's MANA Leading the Pack

The Sandbox’s SAND metaverse token has increased 92% in the past 30 days and has risen 5% in the last two weeks. Vendar, despite the 30-day increase, seven-day metrics show a 7.5% decrease in SAND. V torek, SAND was trading at a 24-hour spot price of $0.710 do $0.741 na enoto. Another top-performing metaverse token this past month was Axie Infinity’s AXS, which has risen 80% higher than the previous month. In the last two weeks, AXS has climbed 21.5%, but it has fallen 11.4% in the last week. V torek, AXS was trading at a price of $10.55 do $11.23 na kovanec.

Metaverse Tokens Outperform Top Crypto Assets in 2023 With Decentraland's MANA Leading the Pack

Following Axie Infinity’s AXS increase in value over the past month, the Apecoin project’s OPICA token has risen 63.3% in the same period. APE has increased 19.4% over the last two weeks, z 5.5% of those gains occurring in the past week. Od pisanja, a single APE is trading for prices ranging from $5.71 do $5.96 na kovanec. The token associated with the Internet Computer project ICP has also risen 48.9% nad zadnjim 30 dnevi. ICP has gained 16.5% over the past two weeks. januarja 31, 2023, ICP was trading at prices between $5.65 in $5.88 nad zadnjim 24 ure.

A significant number of other metaverse tokens have risen in value this month as well, following a similar pattern to artificial intelligence (AI)-related cryptocurrencies. AI-based cryptocurrencies have seen even greater gains compared to metaverse-related coins. Vendar, metaverse-focused crypto assets have still performed better than the top two cryptocurrencies; bitcoin (BTC) rose 40% this month, in ethereum (ETH) increased 33.5%.

Oznake v tej zgodbi
2023, 24-hour spot price, ai, AI-based cryptocurrencies, alternative cryptocurrencies, OPICA, Apecoin project, Artificial Intelligence, axie neskončnost, axs, Bitcoin, Kriptovaluta, Decentralizirano, Zmanjšanje, Ethereum, Greenback, ICP, porast, Internet Computer project, januar 31, MANA, Metaverzum, metaverse tokens, metaverse-focused, past month, Cena, Rise, SAND, single unit, smart contract token, The Sandbox, top performer, Ameriški dolar

What do you think is driving the success of metaverse tokens and do you see this trend continuing in the coming months? Delite svoje misli v spodnjih komentarjih.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri Bitcoin-Tidings.com News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 6,000 članki za Bitcoin-Tidings.com Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

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