Blockchain for Good Alliance (BGA) Unites Web3 for Societal Impact, Launching at Blockchain Life Dubai With Bybit Web3, Harvard Blockchain Club, Solana Foundation, Moledao, Aptos, ICP.Hub UAE, Alchemy Pay as Key Partners

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. Dubaj, 15 aprila 2024 – The Blockchain for Good Alliance (BGA) officially announces its launch today, marking a significant step forward in the mission to leverage blockchain technology for social good. BGA has partnered with leading entities in the

Žetoni Metaverse so boljši od najboljših kripto sredstev v 2023 Z Decentralandovim MANA na čelu skupine

During the first month of 2023, the top two leading cryptocurrencies, bitcoin and ethereum, experienced double-digit gains against the U.S. dolar. medtem, several alternative cryptocurrencies saw even greater increases in value, with metaverse tokens like Decentralands MANA and The Sandboxs SAND

Litecoin to Undergo Block Reward Halving in Just Over 200 Dnevi, First Among Major PoW Cryptocurrencies

V grobem 202 dnevi, the cryptocurrency network Litecoin (LTC) will experience a block reward halving on or around Aug. 3, 2023. Litecoin will be the first major proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain to see a reward reduction before Bitcoins upcoming halving, kateri je…

Picpay to Offer Cryptocurrency Services in Brazil to More Than 60 Milijoni strank

Picpay, one of the most popular payments fintech companies in Brazil, has announced that it will start including cryptocurrency services in its app. The company explained that these services will include the possibility of purchasing crypto and processing payments with crypto

Pomisleki glede verodostojnosti – anketa Gallop kaže dvomestno znižanje ocene zaupanja predsednika Feda

Glede na anketo Gallop, objavljeno maja 2, the publics confidence in Americas current economic leaders has been deteriorating. Zaupanje v ZDA. predsednik Joe Biden, ki vodi ZDA. gospodarstvo je padlo iz 57% do 40%, and faith in Federal Reserve

Vrednost je zaklenjena v lističih Defi 10% v 4 Dnevi, Ethereum TVL Dominates at 58%

Pred štirimi dnevi, the total value locked (TVL) v decentraliziranih financah (defi) was coasting along at $255.84 billion and since then, the TVL has dropped ​​8.55% in value. Med zadnjim 24 ure, the TVL has slid 2.80%, and Curves $23