‘Fiat Is Fragile’ — Silicon Valley Bank’s Collapse Sparks Finger-Pointing and Concerns of Contagion

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has become the center of attention after its collapse prompted the U.S. Zvezna korporacija za zavarovanje depozitov (FDIC) to shut the bank down on Friday. It was the largest U.S. bank failure since 2008, and various alleged catalysts

Citizens Trust Bank to Hold $65 Million in USDC Reserves as Circle Expands Bank Partnerships

V petek, the cryptocurrency firm and stablecoin issuer Circle announced that the financial institution Citizens Trust Bank will hold $65 million in usd coin cash reserves. Circle said the move is part of the company’s plan to allocate shares of the

Poročilo: Caroline Ellison iz Alamede obdrži nekdanjo vodjo oddelka za pregon SEC

Potem ko je bila več pozornosti namenjena nekdanji izvršni direktorici Alameda Research Caroline Ellison, poročilo podrobno opisuje, da je Ellison najel partnerico Wilmerhale Stephanie Avakian, odvetnik, ki je delal za ZDA. Komisija za vrednostne papirje in borzo (SEC). Novica sledi pricurljanju…

Izvršna direktorica Alameda Research Caroline Ellison naj bi bila opažena v kavarni na Manhattnu s psom FTX 'Gopher'

dne dec. 4, 2022, Twitterjev račun in državljanski novinar, imenovan Autism Capital, je delil dve sliki ženske, ki je zelo podobna izvršnemu direktorju Alameda Research, Caroline Ellison. Slike so bile posnete v kavarni in trgovini s sendviči na Manhattnu ob…

Crypto Lender Blockfi Secures $250 Million Line of Credit From FTX, CEO Says Capital Will Bolster Its Balance Sheet

The crypto lender Blockfi detailed on Tuesday that the company secured a $250 million line of credit from FTX. Blockfis CEO Zac Prince announced on Twitter that the company will use the capital to bolster Blockfi’s “balance sheet and platform strength.”…

Češka centralna banka načrtuje desetkratno povečanje zalog zlata, Novi guverner pravi, da je plemenita kovina "dobra za diverzifikacijo"

The incoming governor of the Czech National Bank (CNB), Aleš Michl, has said he plans to increase the institutions gold holdings almost tenfold from the current 11 tonnes to 100 tonnes. Michl also said he will ask the banks foreign exchange