Uncovering Terra’s Implosion — Terraform Labs’ Big Name Backers and ‘Zero Exposure’ Claims

Digital currency markets have continued to slide downward in value as the crypto economy has dropped by 14% during the past 24 ure. Amid the market rout, the native Terra blockchain token LUNA has dropped to fresh new lows, slipping to

Rezervni nakupi Tron DAO $38 Milijoni v TRX za zaščito stablecoin USDD

maja 5, Trons algorithmic stablecoin USDD went live and so far, the fiat-pegged token has been listed on a number of decentralized finance (defi) protokoli. Two days later, the Tron DAO Reserve announced it purchased 504.6 million tron (TRX) do…

Fundacija Luna kupi še enega $5 Milijon v bitcoinih, Držala denarnice LFG 42,530 BTC

The Luna Foundation Guard (LFG) purchased an additional 123.89 bitcoin on Friday worth close to $5 million at the time of settlement. Since mid-March, Terra’s LFG has been acquiring bitcoin on a regular basis and after the purchase on Friday morning,…

Luna Foundation Guard Raises $1 Milijarda za zaščito vezave UST dolarja

The Luna Foundation Guard (LFG) je dvignil $1 billion in a private token sale to allow the group to safeguard the peg of UST, Terra’s flagship stablecoin, against market instabilities. While the token has an algorithmic method to maintain its dollar

Circle lansira USDC na Flow Blockchain

Circle, the operator of USDC, one of the biggest stablecoins by market cap, has launched USDC as a native asset on top of the Flow blockchain. Flow is a blockchain project made to host NFT and game-based initiatives, aiming for low

Predlog Terra si prizadeva razširiti UST Stablecoin na 5 Različni protokoli Defi

januarja 6, Terra Research announced a proposal to expand the networks stablecoin asset terrausd (UST) across a number of different protocols on Polygon, Ethereum, and Solana. Terra’s governance blog post discusses how the proposal to leverage $139 million of UST

Coinbase lansira storitev Defi Yield Earning Service za Over 70 Države, Združene države niso vključene

The cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has revealed that it has made decentralized finance (defi) more accessible by giving Coinbase customers from over 70 countries access to earning yield on the stablecoin DAI. Coinbase claims the process is simple withno fees, lockups,…

CFTC kaznuje izdajatelja stabilnih coinov Tether in kripto borzo Bitfinex $42.5 milijon

V petek, oktobra 15, 2021, ZDA. Komisija za trgovanje z blagovnimi terminskimi pogodbami (CFTC) objavila, da je družbi Tether Holdings Limited in Ifinex Inc., matična družba Bitfinex, plačati globe v skupnem znesku $42.5 milijonov. CFTC obtožuje Tether…

SEC zavrača zahtevo zakona o svobodi informacij v zvezi z dokumenti Tether

septembra 24, osebni pisec za The New Republic, Jakob Silverman, tvitnil o zakonu o svobodi informacij (FOIA) zahtevo, ki jo je vložil in je bila nazadnje zavrnjena. Na platformi družbenih medijev, Silverman je zapisal, da je dobil provizijo za vrednostne papirje in borzo…