Jack Dorsey’s Payments Company Is ‘Officially Building an Open Bitcoin Mining System’

In mid-October 2021, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey revealed the payments firm Block Inc. (formally Square) was considering joining the bitcoin mining industry. Three months later, Dorsey tweeted that his firm wasofficially building an open bitcoin mining system.The Blocks Hardware

Bitcoin Mining Firm Luxor Launches ASIC Trading Desk

januarja 11, 2022, the Washington-based bitcoin mining operation Luxor announced the launch of a new application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) trgovalni pult. According to the company, Luxors new trading desk will give miners and investors access to bitcoin ASIC mining rigs

Zmogljivost Bitcoina ostaja visoka, Gor 163% v 5 meseci, Foundry USA vodi vrh rudarskega bazena

The hashpower behind the Bitcoin network has continued to stay above the 180 exahash na sekundo (EH/s) zone after recently reaching a lifetime high. Five months ago the hashrate tapped a low at 69 EH/s and since then, the hashpower has

Bitcoin Mining Company Griid Secures $525 Million Credit Facility From Blockchain.com

V ponedeljek, the mining firm Griid Infrastructure announced the company has secured a $525 million credit facility from the crypto firm Blockchain.com. Glede na napoved, the credit facility will be a four-year term in order to increase the companys mining

Rudarsko podjetje Titan predstavlja Lumerin, projekt, katerega namen je poblagoviti Bitcoinovo razpršilno moč

On October 21, the bitcoin mining pool operator Titan revealed a new decentralized hashpower routing protocol called Lumerin. The open-source project aims to commodify bitcoin’s hash power “through smart contracts, making hashpower tradable.Bloqs Mining Arm Titan Announces the Lumerin Protocol The

Lokalna podjetja v New Yorku pozivajo guvernerja, naj uvede moratorij na rudarjenje bitcoinov za celotno državo

Guverner zvezne države New York, Kathy Hochul, je skupina lokalnih podjetij pozvala, naj zavrnejo poslovna dovoljenja rudarjem bitcoinov. Pismo posebej zahteva “zavrnitev dovoljenj za generatorsko postajo Greenidge in Fortistar…