Izvršna direktorica Alameda Research Caroline Ellison naj bi bila opažena v kavarni na Manhattnu s psom FTX 'Gopher'

dne dec. 4, 2022, Twitterjev račun in državljanski novinar, imenovan Autism Capital, je delil dve sliki ženske, ki je zelo podobna izvršnemu direktorju Alameda Research, Caroline Ellison. Slike so bile posnete v kavarni in trgovini s sendviči na Manhattnu ob 8:15 zjutraj. (ET).


Citizen Journalist Reportedly Spots Alameda’s Caroline Ellison in New York

According to a tweet published by the Twitter account dubbed Prestolnica avtizma, Alameda Research’s top executive may have been spotted in New York. Prestolnica avtizma napisal: “PLEASE CONFIRM: A user claims that they spotted Caroline Ellison at Ground Support Coffee on West Broad in SoHo Manhattan at 8:15 AM. This would mean she is not in Hong Kong and is in NY not in custody.”

Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison Reportedly Spotted at a Coffee Shop in Manhattan With FTX Dog 'Gopher'

Caroline Ellison has been the topic of many conversations after the former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) told the press that he “wasn’t running Alameda,” and that he “didn’t know the size of their position.” This has sparked speculation that SBF threw Ellison “under the bus,” and the FTX co-founder was accused of doing so during a Twitter Spaces conversation.

Dodatno, on Nov. 26, poročila littered social media that claimed Ellison left Hong Kong and fled to Dubai, but reports were unconfirmed. Autism Capital also got confirmation of the Ellison sighting from a person behind the counter at the coffee and sandwich shop in Manhattan. “CONFIRMED: The barista behind the counter has confirmed it was Caroline,” Autism Capital tvitnil.

Ellison’s Alleged Location Near the New York Attorney’s Office, FBI — Picture Appears to Show ‘Gopher’ the Exchange Executive’s Golden Doodle Puppy

The citizen journalist also shared pictures of messages sent that also said a source was “99%” sure “it’s her.” The message also says there’s an “Alameda person” with her. In addition to the confirmations from the barista behind the counter, there’s also the sighting of a Golden Doodle puppy pictured at the bottom of the ostensible Ellison’s feet. FTX and Alameda executives shared a Golden Doodle pup called “Gopher.” SBF recently tvitnil about Gopher before FTX collapsed.

Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison Reportedly Spotted at a Coffee Shop in Manhattan With FTX Dog 'Gopher'
The ten people in SBF’s inner circle had a Golden Doodle pup called “Gopher.”

The dog pictured in the alleged photo of Ellison looks an awful lot like Gopher, including a small white stripe on the dog’s belly. The Twitter post from Autism Capital got a lot of views and some of the thread’s visitors commented that maybe Ellison was singing to the police.

People also shared street maps showing that the coffee and sandwich shop was really close to the New York Attorney’s Office and the FBI. “After a close analysis, she’s snitching on Sam,” one person napisal. Since FTX collapsed, Ellison has been super silent about the situation, while SBF has been doing a media tour in speaking candidly.

Oznake v tej zgodbi
Prestolnica avtizma, Tvit prestolnice avtizma, Bilanca stanja, barista, Caroline Ellison, Generalni direktor Alameda, Soizvršni direktor, Soizvršni direktor Alameda, Kavarna, Ellison, Ellison Alameda, Ellison razloži bilanco stanja, FBI, Pes FTX, Fiasko FTX/Alameda, Golden Doodle Puppy, Dobro jutro Amerika, Gopher, Mleta podporna kava, preiskovalci, Skrivnostni partnerji, Skrivnost, Tožilstvo v New Yorku, New York Times, Sam Bankman-Fried, Sam Trabucco, Trgovina s sendviči, sbf, SBF zgodbe, Tišina, SoHo Manhattan, Intervju Twitter Spaces

What do you think about the sighting of the woman that closely resembles Alameda Research’s CEO Caroline Ellison? Do you think Ellison may be in the United States speaking to investigators? Sporočite nam, kaj mislite o tej temi v spodnjem oddelku za komentarje.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri Bitcoin-Tidings.com News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 6,000 članki za Bitcoin-Tidings.com Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

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