Poročilo IMF o prevzemu bitcoina v Salvadorju: Preprečena tveganja, vendar je potrebna preglednost

Glede na nedavno izjavo o misiji, ki jo je objavil Mednarodni denarni sklad (IMF), Salvador je sprejel bitcoin kot zakonito plačilno sredstvo in se je doslej izogibal tveganjem. The IMF states that the risks have not materialized due to the limited use

Japanese Yen Plunges to 32-Year Low Against US Dollar — Another Intervention by Authorities Expected

The Japanese yen’s exchange rate versus the U.S. dollar recently plunged to its lowest rate in 32 years — 147.66 JPY per dollar. The yen’s latest fall comes less than a month after its slip in September prompted authorities to enter

Bitcoin-Embracing El Salvador President’s Re-Election Declaration Slammed

Just over a year after overseeing El Salvadors adoption of bitcoin, the Central American countrys 41-year-old president, Nayib Bukele, recently declared his intention serve another five-year term. The announcement has been criticized by some who have been quick to remind Bukele

Banka Rusije si prizadeva za popolno uvedbo digitalnega rublja v 2024

The Central Bank of Russia plans to begin the comprehensive implementation of the digital ruble two years from now, according to a paper detailing its monetary policy priorities for the 2023 – 2025 period. As the development of the state-issued digital

Cunliffe Bank of England opozarja, da je kriptovaluta "nagnjena k propadu" - navaja "enako tveganje", Isti regulativni izid"

Bank of England’s deputy governor for financial stability, Sir Jon Cunliffe, has warned that cryptocurrencies arevery vulnerable to sentiment and prone to collapse.He urged regulators toget on with the joband regulate crypto under the principle ofsame

Inflacija v ZDA bi lahko bila slabša od pričakovane, Goldman Sachs pravi — predsednik Fed Atlante je naklonjen 25 Dvig obrestne mere BPS

While the conflict in Ukraine is a hot topic, fears of rising inflation continue to haunt Americans residing in the country, as economists and analysts note U.S. inflation will likely remain high. Inflation is likely going to be worse than initially

Fed Chair Jerome Powell Dismisses Cryptocurrencies as Financial Stability Concern but Warns They’re Risky

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell says that he does not see cryptocurrencies as a financial stability concern. Vendar, he noted that they are risky and “tam’s big consumer issues for consumers who may or may not understand what theyre getting.” Fed…

Bank of England: Kripto sredstva predstavljajo "omejeno" tveganje za stabilnost finančnega sistema Združenega kraljestva

Bank of England pravi, da kripto sredstva predstavljajo “omejeno” neposredna tveganja za stabilnost države’finančni sistem. “Kriptosredstva in povezani trgi ter storitve še naprej rastejo in se hitro razvijajo. Such assets are becoming increasingly integrated into the