Full Ban on Crypto in Russia Would Be Counterproductive, Rosfinmonitoring Says

Russian citizens and businesses already own cryptocurrencies, which is why a complete crypto ban would be counterproductive, according to a top executive of Rosfinmonitoring, Russia’s financial intelligence agency. Ob istem času, the regulator supports prohibiting payments with digital coins and

Velikost Bitcoinove porazdeljene knjige se približuje pol terabajta

Well over a decade ago, on January 3, 2009, the size of the Bitcoin blockchain was 0.285 kilobytes (kB) or around 285 bytes. Danes, vendar, the blockchains ledger is nearly half a terabyte, or roughly 432 gigabytes. Bitcoin’s Blockchain Nears 500

Hekerji ponujajo prodajo potnega lista beloruskega predsednika Lukašenka kot NFT

Anti-government hackers have attempted to sell what they say is an NFT of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenkos passport. The members of theBelarusian Cyber Partisanscollective claim to have obtained the passport data of all of the countrys citizens. Cyber Guerrillas

Banka Rusije si prizadeva za popolno uvedbo digitalnega rublja v 2024

The Central Bank of Russia plans to begin the comprehensive implementation of the digital ruble two years from now, according to a paper detailing its monetary policy priorities for the 2023 – 2025 period. As the development of the state-issued digital

Ruski bankirji predlagajo kriminalizacijo shranjevanja kripto v neskrbniških denarnicah

Keeping cryptocurrencies in non-custodial wallets may be criminalized in Russia, if authorities accept a proposal from the trade association representing Russian banks. While financial regulators think the idea deserves attention, lawmakers and experts doubt its possible to implement such a measure….

12 Podjetja Ostanite blizu $700 Milijoni v Ethereumu v zakladnicah

During the last year, tam’s been a lot of discussion concerning bitcoin treasuries or public firms putting bitcoin on their balance sheets. Vendar, the leading crypto asset by market valuation is not the only digital currency being held by treasuries. Ethereum…

Strike prispe v Argentino s podporo USDT, Še ni integracije bitcoina

Strike, a bitcoin-based wallet and exchange service, has landed in Argentina, bringing USDT integration to users in the country. Jack Mallers, CEO of Strike, explained that his objective for bringing the app to the country has to do with providing a

Terjatve na seznamu zakladnic Bitcoin 59 Držijo podjetja in peščica držav 1.49 Milijon BTC

304 days or roughly nine months ago, 42 companies held bitcoin on their balance sheet with an aggregate total of 1,350,073 bitcoin on March 1, 2021. Danes, metrics indicate there are 59 companies, a few countries, and exchange-traded funds (ETF-ji) z…

Soustanovitelj Ethereuma Vitalik Buterin objavlja "verjeten načrt", ki obravnava razširljivost

In recent times the Ethereum network has received a lot of criticism about the protocols data transfer fees and scalability. In a blog post calledEndgame,” published on December 6, the co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin discussed plans to improve scaling,…