CoinEx: To Embrace a New Crypto Future by Making Crypto Trading Easier in the Next Five Years

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. V decembru 2022, CoinEx will celebrate its fifth birthday. Since its inception, the crypto exchange has gone through bulls and bears and attracted over four million users across more than 200 countries and regions worldwide. For both CoinEx and

Nihajoča cena USDT spodbuja špekulacije, povezane z rezervami Alameda, Tether zamrzne 46 Milijon žetonov

Ob četrtkovih tržnih nihanjih, podatki kažejo, da je stablecoin tether začasno dosegel najnižjo vrednost $0.961 na enoto. Tether’Tržna nihanja so vplivala na decentralizirane finance (defi) krivulja protokola’s 3 bazenom, ker je v četrtek zjutraj sklad stablecoin postal neuravnotežen. Nadalje,…

Poraba 276 milijonov $ v etru – ogromen Ethereum Whale, ki je sodeloval pri prenosih ICO Genesis 145,000 ETH

After three years of dormancy, a massive ethereum whale that participated in the projects first token sale, also known as the Genesis initial coin offering (ICO), spent 145,000 ether worth just over $276 million using todays ethereum exchange rates. Mega Ethereum

Fundacija Luna kupi še enega $5 Milijon v bitcoinih, Držala denarnice LFG 42,530 BTC

The Luna Foundation Guard (LFG) purchased an additional 123.89 bitcoin on Friday worth close to $5 million at the time of settlement. Since mid-March, Terra’s LFG has been acquiring bitcoin on a regular basis and after the purchase on Friday morning,…

Ustanovitelj podjetja Terra Do Kwon se 'veseli gradnje z bitcoini' – projekt naj bi pridobil 125 milijonov dolarjev v BTC

Pred kratkim, Terra founder Do Kwon hinted at purchasing $3 billion in bitcoin to bolster the protocols reserves and according to a number of reports and blockchain analysis, Terra purchased $125 million worth of bitcoin on March 21. The following day,…

Bored Ape Yacht Club Donates $1 Million in Ethereum to Ukraine Following Community Efforts

marca 8, the team behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) donated $1 million in ethereum to the Ukraine governments ether wallet. The BAYC team donated the funds in order to match BAYC community members that raised nearly $1 milijonov…

Avalanche Defi Platform Vee Finance Attacked — $35 Million in ETH, BTC Siphoned

septembra 21, 2021, an Avalanche-based decentralized finance (defi) platform Vee Finance announced that it suffered from an incident that siphoned 8,804 ether and 213 bitcoin out of the system. The team has suspended the defi platform contracts and stressed that