pax․world: A Token Must Be an Economic Bedrock Not a Collectable Gimmick for the Metaverse to Thrive

Ta teden, launched $PAXW, its proprietary utility token for the metaverse. The process of designing and launching $PAXW has provided a clear understanding of the token’s inherent purposes, enormous potential, and possible dangers. Let’s begin at the top: A utility

Rudarji PoW pridobivajo dobiček, rudarijo ETH do konca, Ethash Networks pričakujejo spodbudo, Strategi JPMorgan pravijo, da bi ETC lahko koristil

In just over a month’s časom, The Merge is likely to be implemented on the Ethereum blockchain and the networks proof-of-work (PoW) miners will be forced to mine another coin. So far, it seems ethereum miners are sticking with the PoW

Zagon Bitmain 2,400 Rudar Megahash E9 Ethereum pred združitvijo

On July 6, the crypto mining rig manufacturer Bitmain announced the launch of the highly anticipated Antminer E9 after revealing the device on April 15, 2021. The machine boasts speeds of up to 2.4 gigahash per second (GH/s) and Bitmain is

Zbirka južnoafriškega vrhunskega vina, ki se prodaja kot NFT

Collections of South Africas fine wines were recently sold as non-fungible tokens (NFT-ji) with one lot being sold for $79,000. Immediately following the auction, two lots were reportedly paid for using bitcoin. Lots Exceed Estimates Collections of fine wines made by

Srednjeafriška republika je sprejela bitcoin kot referenčno valuto – urad predsedstva

Po zmedi, ki je obkrožala prva poročila, višji uslužbenec v Srednjeafriški republiki (AVTOMOBIL)’Predsedstvo je zdaj potrdilo, da bo bitcoin postal država’referenčna valuta. First Country in Africa to Officially Adopt Bitcoin A press statement supposedly issued

Hungary’s Central Bank Governor Calls for EU-Wide Ban on Cryptocurrency Trading and Mining

The governor of Hungarys central bank has called for a ban on cryptocurrency trading and mining in the European Union. “It is clear-cut that cryptocurrencies could service illegal activities and tend to build up financial pyramids,” rekel je. Hungarian Central Bank

Hungary’s Central Bank Governor Calls for EU-Wide Ban on Cryptocurrency Trading and Mining

The governor of Hungarys central bank has called for a ban on cryptocurrency trading and mining in the European Union. “It is clear-cut that cryptocurrencies could service illegal activities and tend to build up financial pyramids,” rekel je. Hungarian Central Bank

Venezuelska vlada odobrila nov davek za transakcije s kriptovalutami in tujimi valutami

The Venezuelan Government has approved a new tax that would affect transactions made in foreign currency and cryptocurrency transactions. Approved by the National Assembly of the country, the tax, called thelarge financial transactionstax would collect up to 20% čez…

A Team of Experienced Crypto Enthusiasts Launch RIDGE Charity Token

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. Podgorica, MontenegroA group of crypto enthusiasts has announced the release of the RIDGE charity token. RIDGE is a community-driven charity token deployed on the Ethereum network (ERC-20) with the major purpose of donating to charities and developing