Поддерживаемый Уорреном Баффетом Nubank запускает криптовалютную торговлю — держит биткойны на балансе

Warren Buffett-backed Nubank, один из мира’s largest digital banking platforms, has launched cryptocurrency trading. Starting with bitcoin and ether, the bank explained that its 54 million customers can “купить, hold and sell cryptocurrency all from the same app, with no

Межметавселенный портал Ertha's NFT купили за 60 тысяч долларов

Это’s now possible to travel between metaverses thanks to Erthas Portal NFTs. The games passionate community has already spent over $60,000 on these NFTs, despite their purpose being a mystery until now. Erthas players will travel instantly between their home planet

Французская связь Финансы: Платные партнеры FCF 500+ Электронная коммерция и продавцы в магазине

Французская связь Финансы (FCF) is a dividend generating cryptocurrency that runs on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) сеть. FCF is building an ecosystem that benefits investors whilst developing products that have strong real-world value. This story will cover four exciting aspects

Соучредитель Ethereum Виталик Бутерин опубликовал «правдоподобную дорожную карту» решения проблемы масштабируемости

In recent times the Ethereum network has received a lot of criticism about the protocols data transfer fees and scalability. In a blog post calledEndgame,” published on December 6, the co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin discussed plans to improve scaling,…

RChain и Ху: Стрела уже была на тетиве

On November 27th, 2021, RChains founder Greg Meredith and blockchain scientist Atticbee were invited as guests to an AMA hosted by the Hoo Exchange. Hoo is a Dubai based innovation driven crypto exchange and has their in-house developed public chain, HSC,…

Defi теряет из виду свое основное видение, поскольку оно постепенно напоминает ту самую идею, которую стремилось изменить

As defi continues to expand, it risks embracing the very ideology it initially sought to reject as the primary beneficiaries of this new financing paradigm are those who already own digital assets. Replacing Intermediaries Doesnt Directly Improve Finance When it comes