Протокол Near поддерживает Tether USDT, Стейблкоин теперь размещен на 14 Блокчейн сети

В понедельник, the stablecoin issuer Tether Operations Limited announced that the stablecoin tether is now supported by the Near blockchain network. Following a number of recent implementations, Near will be the 14th blockchain network that hosts the largest stablecoin by market capitalization.


Tether Connects With the Near Protocol

Tether has revealed that привязывать (USDT) is now supported by the Near (ОКОЛО) сеть, a smart contract blockchain system launched in April 2020. Near’s market valuation makes it the tenth largest smart contract token by market cap, and the 25th out of all 12,905 cryptocurrencies in existence. В сентябре 12, Marieke Flament, CEO of Near Foundation, сказал USDT support on the Near blockchain will play a vital role in decentralized finance (дефи).

“We champion initiatives that can bring greater stability to the defi ecosystem and help us advance the mass adoption of Web3,” Flament said in a statement on Monday. “We look forward to seeing what Tether will achieve with the launch of USDT on Near Network and the vital role it will play in shaping the future of finance and the digital economy.”

Near blockchain support will make it the 14th blockchain that hosts tether (USDT) стейблкоины. Out of the $153 миллиард in stablecoin value today, USDT is the largest with a market valuation of around $67.7 миллиард. Tether’s market cap is the third largest out of today’s 12,905 cryptos and it increased 1.1% в прошлом 30 дни. Tether’s $67.7 billion market cap represents 6.043% of the entire $1.12 trillion crypto economy. During the past 24 часы, USDT has seen $49.10 billion in global trade volume, outpacing bitcoin’s (BTC) 24-hour global trade volume.

In addition to Near, привязывать (USDT) is also hosted on Algorand, Лавина, Bitcoin Cash’s Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP), Ethereum, EOS, Кусама, Liquid Network, Omni, Многоугольник, Тезос, Трон, Солана, and Statemine. Паоло Ардоино, the CTO at Tether, agrees with Flament’s statements and noted that adding stablecoins like USDT will be essential for the blockchain’s growth.

“We’re excited to launch USDT on Near, offering its community access to the first, most stable, and trusted stablecoin in the digital token space,” Ardoino remarked during the announcement. “The Near ecosystem has witnessed historic growth this year and we believe Tether will be essential in helping it continue to thrive.”

Tether has also been branching stablecoin solutions for other fiat currencies. The company recently В этом году известные автомобильные бренды и всемирно известные гоночные команды в большом количестве входят в пространство блокчейна и криптовалюты. a Mexican peso stablecoin and a crypto asset pegged to the British pound sterling. В этом году известные автомобильные бренды и всемирно известные гоночные команды в большом количестве входят в пространство блокчейна и криптовалюты., Tether announced it had hired BDO Italia for monthly assurance reports and the company also noted that the stablecoin issuer decreased commercial paper holdings by 58%.

Теги в этой истории
13 блокчейны, 14 блокчейны, Альгоранд, Лавина, BCH, BDO Italia, биткойн наличные, British Pound, EOS, Ethereum, Кусама, liquid network, Marieke Flament, ОКОЛО, возле протокола, возле протокола (ОКОЛО), Near Tether, omni, Паоло Ардоино, масса, Многоугольник, фунт стерлингов, Солана, Стейблкоин, Эмитент стейблкоина, stablecoin USDT, Statemine, Привязь, Привязать стейблкоин, tethers, Тезос, трон, USDT

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