Правительство Австралии заявляет, что работает над тем, чтобы «регулирование криптоактивов защищало потребителей»

The Australian government has said it will take steps to ensure theregulation of crypto assets protects consumersand one of these steps will be the reforming ofthe licensing and custody of crypto assets.The Anthony Norman Albanese-led government also

Великобритания объявляет о планах по созданию «надежных» правил криптовалюты, Запускает консультацию

The U.K. has unveiled “ambitious plans” to “robustly regulate” various crypto activities, while seeking to protect customers and grow its economy. In the next three months, British authorities will accept public feedback on the new regulatory proposals designed to govern digital

Сингапур стремится снизить риски для розничных криптоинвесторов с помощью ограничительных правил

Financial authorities in Singapore have proposed new regulations designed to protect consumers from risks associated with cryptocurrency investment and trading. The measures, which also aim to expand regulations for stablecoins, will be discussed with the industry before their adoption. Singapore Prepares

Индийский регулятор: Децентрализованная природа криптовалюты усложняет регулирование

Индия’s market regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (СЕБИ), says the decentralized nature of crypto assets makes consumer protection and regulatory enforcement challenging. SEBI on Crypto Regulation The Securities and Exchange Board of India (СЕБИ) reportedly told the Parliamentary

Правительство РФ разработало дорожную карту по регулированию, Не запрещать крипто, Отчет раскрывает

A roadmap on cryptocurrencies has been prepared by a number of ministries, regulatory bodies, and law enforcement agencies, Russian media reported. Документ, which aims to regulate Russias crypto market by the end of this year, comes amid disagreements between the