ほぼ 70,000 ウクライナ人のために発行されたBinance難民暗号カード

何千人ものウクライナ人が、世界が発行した暗号カードを注文しました’をリードするデジタル資産取引所, バイナンス, 戦国からのユーザーのために. The card allows people displaced by the ongoing conflict with Russia to make payments and receive financial

伝えられるところによると、Crypto Exchange WexDmitryVasilievの元CEOがクロアチアに拘留された

ドミトリー・ヴァシリエフ, co-owner and former chief executive of the now defunct Russian crypto exchange Wex, has been arrested upon entering Croatia, 地元メディアが報じた. The crypto entrepreneur is wanted by Kazakhstan where he is accused of stealing money from an investor….


名前, a Mexico-based cryptocurrency exchange, is expanding its range of crypto investing options. The company has announced it will now allow customers to earn funds just by holding bitcoin or stablecoins in its wallet. The program, called Bitso+, will offer different

主要な東ヨーロッパの取引所Exmoがロシアでビジネスを販売, ベラルーシ

閣下, 東ヨーロッパに広く存在する英国ベースの暗号交換, ロシアから撤退する, ベラルーシとカザフスタン. 取引プラットフォーム, Exmo.com, それは言う’s making the move to avoid jeopardizing its expansion in other regions by operating in high-risk markets

トラッカーは近くに表示されます 3,000 暗号ATMは2022年の第1四半期に設置されました

最後の 12 月, そこの’s been an exponential number of cryptocurrency automated teller machines (ATMs) installed as data shows that 20,000 crypto ATMs were installed last year. This year machines are still being installed in great numbers and since December


仮想通貨取引所バイナンスは、ロシア連邦で発行されたマスターカードとビザカードとの取引をブロックしました. 取引プラットフォームは、アメリカの決済大手がウクライナへの軍事侵攻をめぐってロシアでの事業を停止することを決定した後、動きを発表しました. Russians Unable


Digital asset exchange Binance has become the first crypto company to support the Association of Banks of Russia in efforts devoted to regulating the countrys growing cryptocurrency market. The coin trading platform will also work with authorities in Moscow as they


ロシアの暗号通貨取引所 Wex の元最高経営責任者, ドミトリー・ヴァシリエフ, 今月初めにワルシャワでの逮捕から解放されました. The ex-head of the now-defunct coin trading platform has since returned to Russia while court proceedings against him in Poland

以上 20,000 1年でインストールされるビットコインATM

The number of cryptocurrency ATMs around the world has grown exponentially in 2021, with over 20,000 new installations made since last December. それか’s more than the total of all crypto teller machines put into operation in the previous seven years. 選ぶ…

ドバイが暗号ゾーンを作成, バイナンスが努力に加わる

The Dubai World Trade Centre will become a comprehensive ecosystem for cryptocurrencies and providers of related services. The move is part of efforts to support new industries and the emirate intends to source help from crypto companies like Binance. Dubai World