ウズベキスタン大統領が暗号通貨を規制する法令を発行, 鉱業と貿易

ウズベキスタン政府は、Shavkat Mirziyoyev 大統領が署名した法令を通じて、仮想通貨規制の拡大に動いた. このドキュメントは、暗号資産などの用語の定義を提供します, 両替, と鉱業, 業界の主な規制機関を決定する. Agency


アメリカ. 証券取引委員会 (SEC) is focusing on bringing cryptocurrency exchangesinside the investor protection remit,” Chairman Gary Gensler has revealed. “If the trading platforms dont come into the regulated space, それ’d be another year of the public being

ロシア中央銀行は、カード支払いをブロックすることで暗号投資を制限したいと考えています, レポートが明らかに

The Central Bank of Russia is currently reviewing various ways to prevent Russians from investing in cryptocurrency. One the options on the table is to block card payments to certain recipients such as crypto exchanges, a media report has unveiled. あ…

セルビアはからライセンス申請をレビューします 3 暗号通貨交換

3つの仮想通貨取引所がセルビアでライセンスを申請, 最近、デジタル資産スペースを規制する法律を採択した. The government in Belgrade expects the companies to obtain authorization within weeks and offer Serbs the option to buy and sell cryptocurrencies legally….

100 厳しい規制のため、企業はシンガポールで暗号ライセンスを取得できません

More than 100 companies that applied for a license to offer crypto services in Singapore have either been turned down or withdrawn their applications. “Cryptocurrencies could be abused for money laundering, terrorism financing, or proliferation financing due to the speed and


The Senate in Kazakhstan has approved amendments aimed at preventing the legalization of illicit funds which will affect companies dealing with digital assets, とりわけ. The new legislation subjects crypto service providers to the countrys financial monitoring regime. Senators Back Law


Authorities in Kazakhstan have introduced restrictions on the amounts of cryptocurrency retail investors can buy on local exchanges. Officials explained the decision citing the need to protect private individuals from exposure to the risks associated with digital financial assets. Investors in

まで 12 百万人のイラン人が暗号通貨を所有している, トレーダーはローカル取引所を選択します

Cryptocurrencies are a popular investment among Iranians and estimates suggest that the number of those who already own one coin or another may be as high as 12 100万. The majority of Iranian traders prefer the services of local crypto exchanges,…


法律 “仮想資産について,” ウクライナ’成長する暗号空間を規制しようとする試み, は再度改訂され、最終的な採用が推奨されました. A key parliamentary committee has given its support for the bill which was vetoed by the Ukrainian president this

ロシア中央銀行が暗号通貨取引所への支払いを「スローダウン」する, ロシア人の衝動的な投資を抑制する

Central Bank of Russia is now working with commercial banks in order to delay payments made to digital asset exchanges. The move aims to limitemotionalcryptocurrency purchases made byunqualifiedRussian investors, a CBR official revealed. The move is likely