
Cryptocurrency exchange Binance will be able to offer services for digital assets in Cyprus as the platform is now registered with the country’s securities regulator. The news comes after the company obtained similar approvals in several other European jurisdictions. Global Exchange

ウズベキスタン大統領が暗号通貨を規制する法令を発行, 鉱業と貿易

ウズベキスタン政府は、Shavkat Mirziyoyev 大統領が署名した法令を通じて、仮想通貨規制の拡大に動いた. このドキュメントは、暗号資産などの用語の定義を提供します, 両替, と鉱業, 業界の主な規制機関を決定する. Agency

暗号取引プラットフォームBitmexはBMEXと呼ばれる交換トークンを明らかにします, エアドロップ

The crypto trading platform Bitmex has announced the launch of its own native cryptocurrency calledBMEX,” following a slew of crypto platforms that have issued exchange tokens. 同社によると, a user who registers and completes the KYC process will