ウガンダは探鉱調査が発見されたと主張している 31 百万メートルトンの金

While gold is often considered a scarce asset, Uganda explained on Wednesday that recently conducted exploration surveys indicate that theres roughly 31 million metric tons of gold ore waiting to be mined in the region. さらに, a spokesperson from Ugandas Ministry


国境を越えた支払いに暗号を採用することは、ロシア商工会議所がアフリカ諸国とのさらなる協力のためにロビー活動を行っている提案の1つです. ロシアを制限する前例のない制裁の中で’国際取引能力, the head of the board has urged

報告する: アフリカの暗号通貨ユーザーの数がほぼ増加 2,500%

The number of cryptocurrency users in Africa grew by almost 2,500% between January 2021 and January 2022, while the average number of monthly transactions went up by 1,400%, a new report by Kucoin has said. Widespread Adoption of Cryptocurrencies According to


Nigerias company registration agency, the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), reportedly rejected an application for registration by a start-up on the basis that blockchain is yet to be recognized by the Nigerian government. Decision Disappoints Blockchain Community According to a report, の…


While Africa is seen as one of the smallest cryptocurrency markets, according to a preview of ChainalysisGeography of Cryptocurrency annual report, this region hassome of the highest grassroots adoptions in the world.African Volumes Mainly Composed of Retail Transfers