
プレスリリース. LeisurePay, a merchant payment solutions provider using blockchain technology and powered by the only wholly black-owned bank in America, announces the debut exchange listing of its LPY token. “Listing with a Top 20 Worldwide exchange in Probit Global, 1つ…


Bandai Namco, a game developer and publishing company involved in the production of toys from several intellectual properties (IPs), has revealed more information about its $130-million metaverse gambit. The company says this new initiative will be based on its Gundam IP,…


ウクライナへの侵攻をめぐってロシアに課せられた金融制裁は、米国の支配力を低下させる可能性があります。. 通貨, 国際通貨基金の高官によると (IMF). 対立は世界の分裂につながる可能性がある’現在の金銭的状況…


The deputy governor of the Bank of Spain, Margarita Delgado, gave her opinion about cryptocurrencies and how they are increasing the risks in todays economy. At an event hosted by PWC calledA climate of change,” Delgado explained that the continued


Meta is bringing interactive 3D ads to Facebook and Instagram feeds, inspired by the metaverse pivot the company has begun to execute since its name change. This is possible due to a new integration in Metas AR (Augmented Reality) publishing library


2 つの米国. 上院議員は超党派に取り組んでいます, 暗号通貨のための広範な規制の枠組み. “私たちの仕事’この業界のさまざまな側面について、非常に複雑で集中的なレビューが行われる予定です。,” 上院議員の一人が言った. US Senators


インド’財務省は議会で、政府がどのように仮想通貨取引に課税する計画を立てているかを明らかにした. 所得税法の提案された新しいセクションは、暗号取引からの利益がで課税されると述べています 30% while losses cannot be deducted….

アニモカブランド, YugaLabsが退屈なApeシークレットプロジェクト「PoweredbyApecoin」をからかう

Since the token was launched roughly three days ago, the digital currency apecoin (エイプ) has been a topical conversation within the cryptocurrency community on forums and social media. ここのところ, just over 82% of the claimable APE has been claimed and

ケニア人は失った $120 過去の会計年度における数百万から暗号通貨詐欺—政府関係者

Kenyans are believed to have lost as much as $120 million to cryptocurrency scammers in the last financial year, a government official has said. The official, でも, suggested the number of Kenyans losing funds this way can be reduced if the


ベストセラー本「金持ち父さん貧乏父さん」の有名な著者, ロバート・キヨサキ, アメリカの終焉を予言した. ドル. さらに, 彼は、ロシアとウクライナの戦争が仮想通貨を生み出したと述べた。 “a safer haven asset than government fake