
つい最近, Terra founder Do Kwon hinted at purchasing $3 billion in bitcoin to bolster the protocols reserves and according to a number of reports and blockchain analysis, Terra purchased $125 million worth of bitcoin on March 21. 次の日,…

退屈なエイプヨットクラブが寄付 $1 コミュニティの努力に続くウクライナへのイーサリアムの百万

行進に 8, the team behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club (ベイク) donated $1 million in ethereum to the Ukraine governments ether wallet. The BAYC team donated the funds in order to match BAYC community members that raised nearly $1 100万…

ビットコイン, イーサリアムテクニカル分析: ETHはラリーの準備をします, BTCがサポートを求めている間

Bitcoin remained under the $40,000 level on Sunday, as bears continued to pressure cryptocurrency markets. This pressure also kept ethereum lower, with the worlds second-largest crypto hovering around its long-term support level. Bitcoin Sunday saw the price of bitcoin (BTC) トレード…

地政学的リスクとウクライナの懸念が株式を揺るがす, 暗号通貨—金はより高く急上昇します

水曜日に, global markets have been volatile as Ukraine officials declared a state of emergency amid fears of a Russian invasion. ウォール街’s top indexes shuddered during the days trading sessions, and cryptocurrency markets slipped more than 4% during the 24

調査会社はビットコインが下半期に20万ドルに達すると予測しています 2022, ETHが$12Kに到達

This week in a note to investors, Fsinsight, a Fundstrat company, said bitcoin could reach $200,000 during the second half of the year. In the investors note, Fsinsights head of digital asset strategy, Sean Farrell, said the parabolic growth would be

貴金属, 暗号通貨, パウエルの利上げ声明を受けて株式市場は低迷

Equities, crypto markets, and precious metals did well during the early morning trading sessions on Wednesday, just before the U.S. central bank wrapped up its Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. While the Fed said in a statement that the benchmark

これらは暗号経済の 10 ユニットあたりの最も高価な資産 2022

A lot has changed in regard to the prices of various crypto assets throughout 2021, as todays top crypto assets look a lot different than they did 12 months ago. さらに, the most valuable cryptocurrencies in terms of U.S. dollars per

ビットコインの優位性が高まる, ETHの市場シェアスライド, ステーブルコインとスマートコントラクトコインが上昇

水曜日に, the crypto economy of 12,620 coins across 543 exchanges is hovering just above the $2 trillion mark. Ever since the crypto economys market slump, ビットコイン’s market dominance among all the coins in existence has slowly risen from 37% ゾーン…

ピークからダウン: 暗号資産が過去最高からどれだけスライドしたかを見てみましょう

デジタル通貨は驚異的な年を迎えました, そして、存在する多くの暗号資産が史上最高に達しました (ATH) 世界に対する価格’法定通貨. でも, the same digital currencies that tapped ATHs last year are currently down a great

ビットコインが44,000ドルを下回る, 暗号経済が低下 4.5%, トレーダーはステーブルコインに急いで

ビットコインの価格は水曜日に44,000ドルゾーンを下回り、 $43,678 暗号経済全体の価値が数十億ドル減少したため、ユニットあたり. 執筆時点では, 仮想通貨経済全体が低迷している 4.5% 2.25ドルまで下落したため…