Bitconnectの価値から押収された暗号通貨を販売するDOJ $56 100万

アメリカ. 司法省 (DOJ) is selling cryptocurrency worth $56 million that was seized from thenumber one promoterof Bitconnect, the largest crypto fraud scheme ever charged criminally. Investors were fraudulently induced to invest over $2 十億. The Bitconnect

国際作戦ダークハンターが押収 $31.6 百万の現金と暗号通貨, 150 逮捕された

Operation Dark Huntor, a coordinated international effort on three continents to disrupt opioid trafficking on the darknet, has led to the arrests of 150 people. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the operation has also resulted in the seizure


その後、法廷で争った後 2015, 元ヘッジファンドマネージャーのマーティン・シュクレリは、証券詐欺を企てたとして7年の懲役を宣告され、支払いを余儀なくされました $7.4 百万の罰金. シュクレリの一人’大切な持ち物,…


Law enforcement authorities in Ukraine have exposed a crime ring specializing in cryptocurrency theft and laundering of illicit funds for hackers. The gang, which provided services to clients on the darknet, has been dismantled as a result of a joint operation

イランはより多くの違法な暗号農場を閉鎖します, 合計を超える 5,300

Authorities in Iran are continuing their crackdown on unauthorized cryptocurrency mining as electricity demand remains high. 国’s power utility company has so far closed down more than 5,300 illegal mining facilities, seizing an enormous amount of coin-minting machines. Power Utility