IRS, ジャネット・イエレン議員が「税務コンプライアンスアジェンダ」を推進する—銀行が預金を報告する, の撤退 $600

水曜日に, 私たち. 内国歳入サービス (IRS) コミッショナーのチャールズ・レティグとジャネット・イエレン, 財務長官, 米国の銀行口座からの年間の流入と流出を報告する許可をIRSに与えるよう議員に促した. 納税義務の有無に関わらず, financial institutions across the

ウォルマートとライトコインの支払いニュースがウォルマートのスポークスパーソンによって暴かれた, フェイクニュースからのLTC価格の震え

月曜日に, 9月 13, a press release was published by and said it was connected toWalmart Inc,” the American multinational retail corporation. Several mainstream media outlets published stories about it including Reuters, ブルームバーグ, and CNBC. Not too long after


Bancoagricola, the biggest bank in El Salvador, is now accepting bitcoin to pay for debts originated from the use of its instruments, according to a PR statement. The institution partnered with Flexa, a payments network, to include cryptocurrency capabilities in its

暗号通貨マイニングはロシアで登録および課税されるべきです, 金融市場委員会委員長は言う

Cryptocurrency mining should be registered as entrepreneurial activity and taxed as such, アナトリー・アクサコフによると, chairman of Russias parliamentary Financial Market Committee. The lawmaker also thinks Russian digital currency regulations need refinement. Amendments Likely to Affect Mining, 課税, Definition of

イランはより多くの違法な暗号農場を閉鎖します, 合計を超える 5,300

Authorities in Iran are continuing their crackdown on unauthorized cryptocurrency mining as electricity demand remains high. 国’s power utility company has so far closed down more than 5,300 illegal mining facilities, seizing an enormous amount of coin-minting machines. Power Utility

NFT市場の売上高が2倍以上減少 50% —人気のあるNFTコレクションの取引量Nosedive

After non-fungible token (NFT) sales soared during the month of August, the first week of Septembers NFT sales has been awful. Statistics show the number of sales in mid-August tapped a high of 193,693 sales but plummeted 86% に 27,053 販売…


The Zimbabwean minister of finance, Mthuli Ncube, has once again talked up the potential advantages of using cryptocurrencies. In new comments made shortly after visiting the DMCC Crypto Centre in Dubai, Ncube raises the possibility that the country might use cryptocurrency-based