MEXC Global Now Exceeds 10 Million Users; The Meaning Behind the Upgrade Color to ‘Ocean Blue’

プレスリリース. As of September 2022, MEXC has finally reached a respectable milestone of 10 million users! To celebrate this unique achievement, starting November 18th of this year, MEXC will introduce a major brand color change to its global userbase to


Companies developing software solutions for foreign customers are urging Russian authorities to allow them to accept crypto payments. The proposal is part of a package of measures aimed at supporting IT exports suggested by an industry organization to the executive power

BitcoinマイナーのCleansparkが年末の見通しを引き上げる 10%, 企業のハッシュパワーが上回る 5 EH/秒

10月に 25, the bitcoin mining operation Cleanspark announced that the firms hashrate now exceeds 5 エクサハッシュ/秒 (EH/秒), a milestone achieved more than two months ahead of the companys original year-end goals. Cleanspark says it now aims to surpass

マイニングリグメーカーのCanaanがローンチ 2 最大で新しい ASIC ビットコイン マイナー 130 テラハッシュ

月曜日に, bitcoin mining rig manufacturer Canaan Inc., announced the launch of the company’s latest high-performance bitcoin miners called the A13 series. Canaan has revealed two models in the A13 series, which feature “improved power efficiency over its predecessors,” and the

未知の鉱夫が命令する以上のこと 51% BSVのハッシュパワーの, 空のブロックの連続した文字列により、チェーンが信頼できなくなります

一人のマイナーがビットコインvの大部分を追い抜くことに成功した (Bitcoin Satoshi’ビジョン) ブロックチェーンは以上のものをキャプチャします 80% 10月のハッシュレート 17. 今日, 未知の鉱山労働者’の hashpower コマンド 54% ビットコインvの’の計算能力と…

Eunoia – 専門家向けのナレッジ コミュニティ DAO プラットフォーム

プレスリリース. DemandCircle is delighted to announce the official launch of Eunoia, Web 3.0’s very own decentralized business knowledge platform. With the goal of bringing industry professionals together in expertise-centric communities, Eunoia incentivises meaningful participation with rewards in the platform’s native

ドルに対するルーブルの急上昇, エチオピアブルの為替レートギャップが拡大; Kiyosaki: フェイクマネーの「終わりはここにある」 — 週の振り返り

Rumors of expanding war, massive inflation destroying peoples purchasing power, and widespread volatility in the world of fiat currencies shaped the news this past week, with similarly dynamic developments in the world of cryptocurrency. Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki

歴史を勝者から奪い、大衆に与えるという HistoryDAO の使命

Humans have sought to preserve memories since prehistoric times, etching images into cave walls and tying knots into a crudely fashioned cord. Tribes and clans gave birth to language that could preserve the past in words, and words found their way

Bitfarms がアルゼンチンでビットコイン メガファームの運用を開始

ビットファーム, a global Bitcoin mining company, has started operations in its mining megafarm located in Argentina. The farm, launched on September 16, is currently generating 10 メガワット (MW) of mining power during the first phase and will scale operations to be

「中産階級は残っていない,「数百万人が一掃される」 — 2 つの市場暴落予測, ガスカルテル, マウントゴックスコインを動かすクジラ: Bitcoin.comニュースウィークのレビュー

今週中’s News Week in Review, ある市場ストラテジストは、米国について悲惨な警告を発します.. 経済と大規模な市場暴落を引き起こす可能性があります “50 に 60 パーセンテージ散髪” 在庫あり. さらに遠く, the Russian government is reportedly