FTXのトークン化された株式が裏付けられていない可能性を示唆するレポート 1:1, 合成物は実際の株価を「操作」するために使用された可能性がある

12月に. 4, 2022, a report details that FTX-based synthetic stocks may have been used to manipulate the value of AMC shares. In May 2021, FTX offered 36 tokenized stocks but speculators believe its questionable whether or not the firm actually

Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison Reportedly Spotted at a Coffee Shop in Manhattan With FTX Dog ‘Gopher’

12月に. 4, 2022, the Twitter account and citizen journalist called Autism Capital shared two pictures of a woman that closely resembles the Alameda Research CEO, Caroline Ellison. The pictures were taken at a coffee and sandwich shop in Manhattan at

FTXの共同創設者サム・バンクマン=フリード氏が米国への引き渡しに直面, 破産裁判所は、最高幹部は補償されないと言います

According to a report citing three people familiar with the matter, 元FTX CEOのサム・バンクマン・フリード氏 (SBF) may be extradited to the United States for questioning. After it was alleged that SBF transferred $10 billion in customer funds to Alameda


ブロックチェーン分析会社Argusからのレポートによると, サム・バンクマン=フライド’の取引会社アラメダ・リサーチがFTX.com上場に先立ってトークンを取得. 報告書は、アラメダが大まかに買収したと主張している $60 デジタル資産がスケジュールされる前に数百万相当のトークン…


A team of financial investigators” are currently investigating the now-defunct crypto exchange FTX, the Royal Bahamas Police Force said in a statement shared on Sunday. The police noted that the financial investigators were searching to see if “any criminal misconduct occurred.”

謎のFTXの大失敗, Tim DraperのBTC価格予測, SEC訴訟におけるRippleのさらなるサポート — 週のレビュー

As theories proliferate wildly about the true nature of what happened to failed crypto exchange FTX, little is yet clear to the crypto community. Former CEO of FTX Sam Bankman-Fried has addressed the issue publicly on social media, mentioning a mysterious

チャプターの問題のある暗号交換 FTX ファイル 11 破産保護, CEOが辞任

The embattled crypto exchange FTX has informed the public that the FTX parent firm West Realm Shires Services, アラメダリサーチ, and approximately 130 additional affiliated companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in Delaware. FTX’s Parent Company, アラメダリサーチ, と…

不安定なUSDT価格がアラメダ準備金に結びついた憶測を巻き起こす, テザーがフリーズ 46 ミリオントークン

Amid the market fluctuations on Thursday, data shows the stablecoin tether temporarily tapped a low of $0.961 ユニットあたり. テザー’s market fluctuations have affected the decentralized finance (定義) protocol Curves 3pool, as the stablecoin pool has become unbalanced Thursday morning. さらに,…