100 NFTコレクションは上回っています $20 数十億のボリューム— Cryptopunks, 退屈な猿はトップボリュームをキャプチャします

代替不可能なトークン (NFT) assets were extremely popular this year and to date, そこの’s been more than $20 billion in volume recorded in terms of NFT sales among 100 collections. While many single NFTs sold for millions of dollars a number of

Defiにロックされた値はスライドし続ける, ETHDefiが支配する 65%, ソラナトランザクションが統治

The total value locked (TVL) in decentralized finance has slid 15.63% since the metrics all-time high of $275 billion sixteen days ago on December 1. Since the end of the first week of December, TVL がダウンしています 7.19% lower with

Defiスリップにロックされた値 5% の 24 時間, AMMおよびリベーストークンは2桁の損失を被ります

Since mid-November the total value locked (TVL) 分散型金融で (定義) has slid from $257 億から $250.55 billion and during the last 24 hours it lost a touch more than 5%. Over the last seven days, defi tokens like uniswap,…


Crypto proponents and market observers can now gain insight into Solanas and Serums liquidity infrastructure ecosystem via the analytics and decentralized indexing provider Aleph.im. The cross-blockchain computing project says the induction of Serum Markets willhelp surface valuable trading data on