インドが仮想通貨取引所Wazirxの銀行資産を凍結— BinanceはWazirxの買収は「決して完了していない」と主張

A major Indian cryptocurrency exchange, ワジルクス, has had its bank assets of more than $8 million frozen by the Directorate of Enforcement (ED). The exchange was supposedly acquired by Binance in 2019. でも, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) now claims that

SEC手数料 11 の人々 $300 Million Forsage 暗号ピラミッドとポンジースキーム

アメリカ. 証券取引委員会 (SEC) Forsageの4人の創設者と7人のプロモーターを起訴した, それは次のように説明しました “詐欺的な暗号ピラミッドとポンジスキーム。” このスキームは、 $300 世界中の何百万人もの個人投資家から 100 万ドル,…


金融機関のCEOに宛てた書簡で, ケニア中央銀行 (CBK) 同国で営業している金融機関は、ナイジェリアの 2 つのフィンテック企業との取引を停止し、中止する必要があると述べています。, フラッターウェーブとチッパーキャッシュ. The letter reiterates

クォンはUST崩壊前に27億ドルを現金化したと非難されていますか, Terraの創設者は主張は誤りだと言います

テラ’s new LUNA 2.0 token has lost 54% in value in the last two weeks, after reaching $11.33 per unit on May 30. その間, the whistleblower Fatman has accused Terras co-founder Do Kwon of cashing out $2.7 billion a few months

ケニア人はさらに別の暗号通貨詐欺に数百万ドルを失います: ビットストリームサークル

The masterminds behind the alleged cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme called Bitstream Circle are believed to have stolen more than $10 million in investor funds. The alleged theft became apparent on March 13, 2022, when some of the schemes investors encountered problems making

ケニア人は失った $120 過去の会計年度における数百万から暗号通貨詐欺—政府関係者

Kenyans are believed to have lost as much as $120 million to cryptocurrency scammers in the last financial year, a government official has said. The official, でも, suggested the number of Kenyans losing funds this way can be reduced if the

Crypto Exchange Bitmexの創設者は、銀行秘密法違反に対して有罪を認めます

The founders of cryptocurrency derivatives exchange Bitmex, Arthur Hayes and Benjamin Delo, have pled guilty to violations of the U.S. Bank Secrecy Act. “As a result of its willful failure to implement AML and KYC programs, Bitmex was in effect a

ケニアのビジネスマンが投資家をだましていると非難 $140 100万

Businessman and owner of a Kenyan football club, Ricardo Badoer, has been accused of fleecing more than $140 million from investors via his Aidos Kuneen cryptocurrency. Threats Against Investors According to a local report, Kenyan businessman Ricardo Badoer is being accused

イスラエル警察はベイタルエルサレムの所有者と 7 数百万ドルの暗号通貨詐欺の容疑者

Israeli police have arrested eight suspects in connection with a cryptocurrency fraud scheme after raiding their homes and seizing evidence. One of the suspects is Moshe Hogeg, a well-known owner of the premier soccer team Beitar Jerusalem Football Club. 8 People

元Monero開発者Spagniが米国刑務所から釈放された, 詐欺の申し立てに対処するための誓約

Former Monero developer Riccardo Spagni has been released from a U.S. prison where he reportedly spentsixty-one days in solitary confinement.The developers release was prompted by the failure of South African authoritiesto make a timely submission in support of