Crypto Policy: Kenyan Senate Ready to Engage Central Bank

The Kenyan Senate’s Information, Communication and Technology committee has said it is ready to engage the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) and other stakeholders in shaping the country’s policy towards crypto assets and virtual asset service providers. According to the committee,…


金融機関のCEOに宛てた書簡で, ケニア中央銀行 (CBK) 同国で営業している金融機関は、ナイジェリアの 2 つのフィンテック企業との取引を停止し、中止する必要があると述べています。, フラッターウェーブとチッパーキャッシュ. The letter reiterates


Kenyas central bank has acknowledged in a recently released document that a central bank digital currency could potentially benefit the countrys financial system. The bank, でも, warned that rolling out a CBDC could also pose risks to the same. CBDC’s Impact

ケニアのビジネスマンが投資家をだましていると非難 $140 100万

Businessman and owner of a Kenyan football club, Ricardo Badoer, has been accused of fleecing more than $140 million from investors via his Aidos Kuneen cryptocurrency. Threats Against Investors According to a local report, Kenyan businessman Ricardo Badoer is being accused