Crypto Firm Voyager Digitalは、3ACエクスポージャーに対処するためにAlamedaVenturesから5億ドルのクレジットラインを確保します

3日前, Newsは、暗号通貨会社が債務を負っていると発表した後、上場企業VoyagerDigitalについて報告しました $655 百万相当のデジタル資産. 今ボイジャーからのプレスリリースによると, the company has secured funds

ビットコインハッシュレートは簡単に下に滑ります 200 マーケットルート中のEH/S, 半分になるまで残っているブロックが100K未満

6月に史上最高値を記録した後 8, ビットコイン’6月の最近のビットコイン価格の下落中にハッシュレートが低下した 12-13 の安値に 182 エクサハッシュ/秒 (EH/秒). ビットコインながら’s USD の価値は 23,000 ドルのゾーンの下にとどまっています, ビットコイン’s hashrate has


The Spanish cryptocurrency exchange Bit2me is taking interest in getting into the Latam market. The company has launched its operations in Brazil by introducing an office in the country that will deal with compliance issues to make the exchange a safe


Collections of South Africas fine wines were recently sold as non-fungible tokens (NFT) with one lot being sold for $79,000. Immediately following the auction, two lots were reportedly paid for using bitcoin. Lots Exceed Estimates Collections of fine wines made by

新しい独占スロットゲーム—「ビットコインロケット」がオープン $10,000 トーナメント releases Bitcoin Rocketan extremely fun exclusive slot game playable only on! 🚀New high-octane slot game with amazing visuals and retro music🚀 ビットコイン’s rocket to the moon is the single most identifiable meme in the cryptocurrency universe. そう,…

デファイリバウンドに固定された価値—スマートコントラクトトークンCPH, LUNA, XCPがパックをリード

The total value locked in decentralized finance (定義) has managed to jump above the $200 billion zone, as crypto markets have rebounded from the market downturn last week. A number of native assets from the $611 billion worth of smart contract

Binanceがブロックチェーンおよび暗号通貨業界で初めて全米サイバーフォレンジックおよびトレーニングアライアンスに参加 (NCFTA)

バイナンス, the worlds leading blockchain and cryptocurrency infrastructure provider, today announced that it has joined the National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA), a nonprofit corporation focused on identifying, validating, mitigating, and neutralizing cybercrime threats. Binance is the first organization from the

錬金術の支払いを介してフィアット支払いを追加する雪崩 (ACH) 統合

プレスリリース. Avalanche has announced the integration of flexible fiat payment on-ramps on their network, thanks to a new integration with Alchemy Pay. Alchemy Pay is a payment solution that bridges fiat and crypto economies and it will now offer support

ビットコインマイニング会社のGriidが保護 $525 Blockchain.comのミリオンクレジットファシリティ

月曜日に, the mining firm Griid Infrastructure announced the company has secured a $525 million credit facility from the crypto firm According to the announcement, the credit facility will be a four-year term in order to increase the companys mining


Most game developers in U.S. and U.K. are now using blockchain elements in their games, according to a study released this week. The study, commissioned by a company named Stratis, reveals that the popularity of blockchain, NFT, and the new play-to-earn