LayerzeroLabsが保護します $135 百万からチェーン間の相互運用性を強化

レイヤーゼロラボ, 相互運用性プロトコル Layerzero を支援する企業, 同社が資金を調達したことを明らかにした $135 アンドリーセン・ホロヴィッツ率いるシリーズA+ファイナンスラウンドで100万ドルを獲得 (a16z), FTXベンチャーズ, とセコイアキャピタル. 新たな資金調達によりLayerzero Labsが設立される’ 総合評価…

Peter Thielは、「10年の最大の過ちは、ビットコインに遅すぎて少なすぎた」と述べています。

During a discussion published on March 12, 2022, the billionaire entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Peter Thiel discussed how he built Paypal with fellow co-founders Max Levchin, David Sacks, and Luke Nosek. Toward the end of the hour-long conversation, the topic quickly

ドイツ銀行がロシアを脱退, そこに新しいビジネスはないだろうと言います

ドイツ’ドイツ銀行は、それを確認する最新の金融サービス大手になりました’モスクワ経由でロシアを離れる’ウクライナに対する軍事攻撃. 銀行は以来、ロシアへのエクスポージャーを減らしてきた 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea and the conflict in Eastern Ukraine

Coinbaseの取引量は増加しました 8.5 の時間 2021 - と 89 百万人の確認済みユーザー

The Nasdaq-listed cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase says the number of monthly transacting users on its platform rose to 11.4 million at the end of 2021, which was more than four times the previous year. 加えて, Coinbase’s trading volume grew more than

錬金術の支払いを介してフィアット支払いを追加する雪崩 (ACH) 統合

プレスリリース. Avalanche has announced the integration of flexible fiat payment on-ramps on their network, thanks to a new integration with Alchemy Pay. Alchemy Pay is a payment solution that bridges fiat and crypto economies and it will now offer support


Mercadolibre, one of the biggest online retailers in Latin America, has started rolling cryptocurrency trading services to a selection of their customers and plans to expand this test in the coming weeks. Mercadopago, the payments service native to the platform, will


ETC Group, an ETF issuer company, released a report last month about the evolution of Bitcoin Cash in the years after the hard fork that created it. While the company acknowledged the asset price is lagging compared to its older sibling,…

Paypalが英国での暗号通貨提供の展開を完了する: 米国外での最初の国際展開

Paypal has completed the first international expansion of its cryptocurrency offering outside of the U.S. Paypal Crypto is now available to customers in the U.K. allowing them to buy, 所有, and sell four kinds of cryptocurrencies. Paypal Crypto Now Available to