まで 12 百万人のイラン人が暗号通貨を所有している, トレーダーはローカル取引所を選択します

Cryptocurrencies are a popular investment among Iranians and estimates suggest that the number of those who already own one coin or another may be as high as 12 100万. The majority of Iranian traders prefer the services of local crypto exchanges,…


進行中の制裁の中で, ロシア政府は、国を制限するために取り組んできました’米国への依存. ドル. 今外務省が言ってる’s possible to partially replace the greenback in currency reserves and trade settlements with other


10月に 15, the day bitcoins price surpassed the $60K per unit handle, Salvadoran president Nayib Bukele taunted the professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, Steve Hanke, over his recent statements. 当時の, the well known economist warned

イングランド銀行: 暗号資産は、英国の金融システムの安定性に「限定的な」リスクをもたらします

The Bank of England says that crypto assets poselimiteddirect risks to the stability of the countrys financial system. “Cryptoasset and associated markets and services continue to grow and to develop rapidly. Such assets are becoming increasingly integrated into the

暗号のドナルド・トランプ: 「他の通貨が出てドルを傷つけたくない」

Former U.S. President Donald Trump has commented on the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies and the crypto crackdown by the Chinese government. He reiterated his anti-crypto stance: “私はしない’t want to have other currencies coming out and hurting or demeaning the dollar

IMFは暗号ブームが新たな金融安定性の課題を提起することを警告します, 規制当局にステップアップを促す

国際通貨基金 (IMF) warns that the rising popularity of cryptocurrencies poses new challenges to financial stability. “Cryptoization can reduce the ability of central banks to effectively implement monetary policy. It could also create financial stability risks.IMF Sees New


アメリカの会長. 証券取引委員会 (SEC), ゲイリー・ゲンスラー, says that cryptocurrencyis not going to end well if it stays outside the regulatory space.The SEC has been criticized for taking an enforcement-centric approach to regulating the

リップルCEOはSECが暗号の明確なフレームワークを提供しないと言います, XRP訴訟について話し合う

As the lawsuit with the U.S. 証券取引委員会 (SEC) continues, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse insists that the Commission has provided no clarity in crypto regulation. He said the SEC is using its meetings with crypto companies as lead generation

ロンドンの大学生がナイフポイントで強盗 8 ビットコインで93,000ドルの凶悪犯

Recently a student from the University of Kent in London was robbed at knifepoint for his bitcoin. After eight thugs stormed his dorm room and demanded that he reveal his crypto credentials and passwords, the student was forced to leave the

イランの議員は暗号制限に反対します, 支持的な規制を求める

Members of the Iranian parliament, the Majlis, have voiced concerns over Tehrans restrictive policies towards innovations such as cryptocurrencies. Following the release of a study recommending a new approach towards the crypto industry, the lawmakers have called for the adoption of