SECの遅延 4 ビットコインETFの期限—規制当局は「より長い期間を指定することが適切であると判断しました」

金曜日に, アメリカ. 証券取引委員会 (SEC) has delayed four bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETF) deadlines for another 45 日々. The regulator notes that the entity needs more time to decide on the ETF applications. Global X, Kryptoin, Valkyrie, ウィズダムツリー…

29 暗号通貨取引所は韓国の新しい規制を乗り切る, 37 取引所はシャットダウンする必要があります

The deadline for crypto exchanges and service providers in South Korea to meet requirements to stay open under the new regulation has passed. Twenty-nine cryptocurrency exchanges met the deadline to continue operations but only four of them can offer trading in

イランの議員は暗号制限に反対します, 支持的な規制を求める

Members of the Iranian parliament, the Majlis, have voiced concerns over Tehrans restrictive policies towards innovations such as cryptocurrencies. Following the release of a study recommending a new approach towards the crypto industry, the lawmakers have called for the adoption of

FSC規制の見直しはシャットダウンする予定です 40 韓国の暗号交換

A new regulatory overhaul could put 40 から 60 exchanges out of business in South Korea after the firms are expected to fail to meet the conditions that are being proposed by the Financial Services Commission (FSC). This action might


Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using Our Service. Interpretation and Definitions Interpretation The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural. Definitions For the purposes of theseRead more


The non-fungible token (NFT) industry has exploded in 2021 as millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrencies continue to be traded for these blockchain collectibles every single day. 今週, News chatted with the popular American rapper Ja Rule about NFTs