マッキンゼー: メタバースは生成する可能性があります $5 トリリオン 2030 —「単に大きすぎて無視できない」

Global consulting firm McKinsey & Company has forecasted that the metaverse may generate up to $5 trillion by 2030. 加えて, より多い 80% of commerce could be impacted by activities in the metaverse. Metaverse Could Generate $5 Trillion by 2030


Doubleline Capital CEO Jeffrey Gundlach, also known as thebond king,” says he would not be surprised at all if the price of bitcoin falls to $10K. “私達’ve already seen around the edges some blowups in parts of the crypto world,…

ビットコイン, イーサリアムテクニカル分析: BTCはに落ちる $20,000 範囲, 売却が拡大するにつれて

Bitcoin declined for an eighth consecutive session on Tuesday, as the crash in crypto markets continued. BTC fell to the $20,000 range for the first time since December 2020, whilst ETH hit $1,000, also recording a multi-year low. Bitcoin BTC was

最大の発動機: ドージ, クリプトスがクラッシュしたSOLは1年ぶりの安値を記録

DOGE と SOL は月曜日に注目すべき動きを見せた, 暗号市場が再び赤い波に見舞われたため. DOGEは4月以来の最低水準に落ちた 2021, whilst SOL was also trading close to a one-year low to start


6月に入って10日, ビットコインは引き続き安値で取引されています, 価格は12か月ぶりの安値付近で推移. これにもかかわらず, 今後数週間にわたって価格が上昇する可能性について楽観的な見方が続いています. 全体, there is still a lot of


ロシア ルーブルが米ドルを下回った 2 か月後. ペニー, 大陸横断の国’の法定通貨は、世界で最もパフォーマンスの高い通貨です. アメリカのエコノミストは困惑している “異常事態” because a country facing stiff sanctions typically sees its fiat currency

ビットコイン, イーサリアムテクニカル分析: BTCは統合を続けています, 価格はわずかに上に移動します $30,000

Bitcoin moved away from Tuesdays lows during the hump-day session, as prices were once again above $30,000. Prices have been hovering above and below this level over the last few weeks, with no significant gains in the period. ETH was also

最大の発動機: そこまで 13% 月曜日に, THETAが数週間の高値に向かって

Crypto markets were mainly in the green to start the week, with several assets climbing by double digits on Monday. One of these was ADA, which rose by as much as 13% 今日. THETA also climbed higher, gaining nearly 15%. カルダノ…


Apecoinコミュニティは、暗号資産がイーサリアムエコシステム内に留まるべきかどうかを議論している最中です. AIP-41 の投票が今日開始されましたが、, 提案’の投票プロセスは 6 月に終了します 8, 2022, で 9 午後. (ET). その間,…

ビットコイン, イーサリアムテクニカル分析: NFPレポート前のBTCゲイン, 移動平均のクロスに続いて

Bitcoin was once again trading above $30,000, as markets were anticipating the release of Mays non-farm payrolls report. Whilst BTC was back in the green, ETH continued to trade lower, and as of writing is below $1,800. Bitcoin Following a drop