
プレスリリース. The ARTIC team is made up of highly skilled IT engineers, art consultants, デザイナー, and various other professionals with an average of more than 20 years of experience in their respective disciplines. The ARTIC team intends to use blockchain

$540 からの「眠っているビットコイン」の百万の価値 2014 移動—BTCはおそらくCryptsy盗難にリンクされています

行進に 29, blockchain parsers caught a sequence of 11 transactions totaling 11,325 bitcoin moving from unknown wallets created in 2014, to a great number of recipient addresses. さらに, the stash of bitcoin worth $540 million today is possibly linked to

アニモカブランド, YugaLabsが退屈なApeシークレットプロジェクト「PoweredbyApecoin」をからかう

Since the token was launched roughly three days ago, the digital currency apecoin (エイプ) has been a topical conversation within the cryptocurrency community on forums and social media. ここのところ, just over 82% of the claimable APE has been claimed and

戦略ゲーマーと宇宙ゲーマーは、クールなNFTでいっぱいの独自のPlay-to-Earnメタバースを手に入れます— DEEPSPACE (DPS) アルファレビュー

Space, the final frontier. The long and exciting journey through vast, dark, deep space with a fleet of your own. The release of the alpha version of the play-to-earn metaverse game DEEPSPACE (DPS) opens up a brand new chapter of the


The Zapala Free Zone, an area located in Neuquen, Argentina that has the objective of incentivizing various productive activities, will receive its first bitcoin mining-related investment this year. The company that will create the power infrastructure for the mining farm aims


The central bank of Ukraine has capped withdrawals of cash in national fiat and banned those in foreign currency. The monetary authority says the measures aim to ensure the functioning of the nations financial system under the martial law introduced in

WasabiCoinjoinトランザクションのデミキシング: 連鎖分析の匿名化の主張の詳細

火曜日に, journalist Laura Shin published a story that claims to identify the 2016 Genesis DAO hacker who siphoned 3.6 million ethereum from the decentralized autonomous organization. While the story surprised the crypto community, one of the biggest eye-openers was the


Coinbase, a leading U.S.-based exchange, has announced it will now allow remittance receivers in Mexico to cash out the funds received through its service in local currency. This marks the first foray of the company into the Mexican remittance business, 許可する…


アメリカ. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has warned about romance scams using cryptocurrency. Scammers use romance as a hook to lure people into bogus investments, especially crypto, the federal agency explained. “2021 numbers are nearly five times those reported in 2020,

Web3 Data Platform Dune Analyticsは、後のユニコーンステータスへの推進 $69.4 ミリオン募金

Web3 分析プラットフォーム Dune Analytics は、 $69.4 Coatue が率いる 100 万件のシリーズ B 資金調達. 事務所’の最新の資金調達は会社に続く’Dune Analyticsが調達した昨年8月のシリーズA $8 100万. With the Series A