US Bank Lending Drops by Record $105 Billion in Two Weeks, Trillions Moving to Money Market Accounts, Elon Musk Warns ‘Trend Will Accelerate’

The banking industry in the United States is still struggling after the collapse of three major banks. According to statistics, bank lending in the U.S. has dropped by close to $105 billion in the last two weeks of March, これは…

暗号, 資本, ハイテク企業業績の期待外れと米国経済の低迷が深刻化する中、金属市場が急落

世界の一部からの最新の企業収益報告を受けて、株式市場はその日赤字で始まった’最大手の企業, マイクロソフトを含む. テクノロジーの巨人’最近の電話会議は期待外れだったと考えられている, ボーイングなどの企業からの収益, テキサス・インスツルメンツ,…

World Bank Report Forecasts Bleak Global Economic Outlook, Citing ‘Adverse Developments’ and ‘Long-Lasting Slowdown’

On Jan. 10, 2023, the World Bank published its Global Economic Prospects report, stating that the outlook for the global economy and future economic conditions is bleak. According to the report, 2023 growth forecasts have been cut across the board, と…

Gold Prices Expected to Soar in 2023: Experts Predict Record Highs for Precious Metal

Gold is on the rise in 2023 and in the first week of the new year alone, the precious metal has jumped 2.36% 米国に対して. ドル. 過去を超えて 65 日々, gold has soared 14.55% while silver has skyrocketed 22.31%

FRBが4回連続で75bpsの利上げを成文化 — Stocks, ビットコイン, と金属の上昇

アメリカ. Federal Reserve introduced another jumbo rate hike on Wednesday, 11月. 2, 2022, by hiking the federal funds rate (FFR) に 75 ベーシスポイント (bps). The American central bank said on Wednesday that the hike aims to curb inflation and

スティーブ・ハンケ教授は、米国経済は昨年横ばいだったと言います, しかし、「それは南にぶつかるだろう」と強調する

Amid the chaotic economy, plagued with central bank tinkering, supply chain issues, and red-hot inflation, the professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, Steve Hanke believes apretty big recessionwill take place in 2023. Speaking in an interview on

JPモルガンのジェイミー・ダイモン最高経営責任者(CEO)は、不況が襲う可能性があると警告している 6 月, 株式市場は下落する可能性があります 20% 詳細 — 「これは深刻なことです」

The CEO of global investment bank JPMorgan, ジェイミー・ダイモン, has warned that the U.S. economy could tip into recession in six to nine months. “This is serious stuff,” the executive stressed, adding that the stock market could easily fall another 20%….

S&Pグローバルレポートによると、EUと英国は不況に陥っています, プーチンは西側が貪欲だと考えている

今日’s blustery global economy has everyone on edge as inflation has wreaked havoc on the wallets of ordinary people and energy prices continue to soar worldwide. According to Credit Suisse, “the worst is yet to come,” as the global investment bank’s…

IMF ベイルアウトは英国の将来に影響を与える可能性がある, ストラテジストは言う

Mizuho Securitieshead of global macro strategies has warned that an IMF bailout may be in the U.K.s future. さらに, a former chancellor of the exchequer cautioned that Britain is entering a long and severe recession, emphasizing that it’s “the worst

230 エコノミストは、米国政府が提案しているインフレ抑制法がインフレを加速させると警告している

先週, Democrats unveiled climate and health care legislation called the “インフレ抑制法,” and theres a lot of debate over the name of the proposed public policy measures. After the legislation was revealed, 230 economists sent a letter to the