Alchemy Pay: Bridging the Global Economies of Fiat and Cryptocurrencies

On April 20th, The European Parliament approved the first comprehensive crypto regulation EU-wide, the Markets in Crypto-Assets (雲母). In the same day, a separate law, the Transfer of Funds regulation, was passed, requiring crypto operators to confirm the identity of their

Xapo Bank Integrates Lightning Network Payments Through Lightspark Partnership

行進に 2, Xapo Bank announced its partnership with Lightspark, a company led by David Marcus, former crypto boss at Facebook. The partnership aims to extend the utility of bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Xapo revealed on Thursday that it is

RBI Begins First Retail Digital Rupee Pilot in 13 Indian Cities With 8 銀行

India’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (打点), is launching its first retail digital rupee pilot on Dec. 1 with the participation of eight banks. The pilot will start in four cities and then expand to cover nine more cities

UK Bank Starling Blocks Payments to Crypto Platforms — Claims Crypto Is High Risk, Heavily Used for Criminal Purposes

Starling Bank has informed its customers that the bank no longer supports fund transfers to cryptocurrency platforms, including crypto exchanges. The bank stated that cryptocurrenciesare high risk and heavily used for criminal purposes and, as such, we no longer support

ビットコインコアのバージョン 24.0 フル RBF 提案が論争を巻き起こす, シノニムCEOは「ペットアジェンダ」を「攻撃」と呼んでいます

During the last few weeks, a number of individuals have been discussing the upcoming release of Bitcoin Core version 24.0 and how the codebase will include full-replace-by-fee (RBF) logic. The discussion has become controversial as a few Lightning Network and zero

インド中央銀行の RBI が本日、初のデジタル ルピー パイロットを開始

India’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (打点), is launching its first digital rupee pilot on Nov. 1. with the participation of nine banks. “Settlement in central bank money would reduce transaction costs by pre-empting the need for settlement guarantee

仮想通貨決済会社BitpayがMATICサポートを追加, Panini America が Polygon Payments を受け入れる

ビットコインと仮想通貨の決済サービス プロバイダーである Bitpay は、同社が Polygon をサポートするようになったことを発表しました。 (マチック) 通信網. 同事務所によると, Bitpay アプリのユーザーは保存できるようになります, トレード, 今週後半にMATICを使う, and the collectibles company


コロンビア政府は、デジタル通貨を立ち上げる計画があることを明らかにしました. この新しい通貨の目的の 1 つは、脱税を抑制し、市民による取引の追跡可能性を高めることです。. The proposed measure would also

暗号支払いを受け入れるヨーロッパの大手タイヤ再生装置 Vaculug

ヴァクルグ, 自分自身をヨーロッパとしてブランド化している英国の会社’s 最大の独立したタイヤ再生装置, 製品とサービスの暗号通貨を受け入れるようになりました. Its management says the business must move with the times and offer customers more options than pounds and pence….