Several Crypto Exchange Websites Taken Down in Kazakhstan

Financial authorities in Kazakhstan have targeted at least five online platforms exchanging cryptocurrencies outside the law. Documents, computer equipment, and cryptocurrency wallets have been seized during searches in the northern part of the country. Kazakhstan’s Financial Watchdog Goes After Unlicensed Crypto


ウクライナ’主要な法執行機関は、ハリコフ地域で暗号通貨を採掘する違法な施設を摘発しました. 暗号ファームの運営者は、盗まれた大量の電気を使用してコインを鋳造しています, 重要なインフラへのエネルギー供給を脅かす, the agency said….


アメリカ. 財務省’外国資産管理局 (OFAC) 暗号ミキサーに対して史上初の制裁を発行しました. ミキシング サービスは、Lazarus Group が不正な収益を処理するために使用していました。 $620 million crypto heist of the

まで 12 百万人のイラン人が暗号通貨を所有している, トレーダーはローカル取引所を選択します

Cryptocurrencies are a popular investment among Iranians and estimates suggest that the number of those who already own one coin or another may be as high as 12 100万. The majority of Iranian traders prefer the services of local crypto exchanges,…


Law enforcement authorities in Ukraine have exposed a crime ring specializing in cryptocurrency theft and laundering of illicit funds for hackers. The gang, which provided services to clients on the darknet, has been dismantled as a result of a joint operation

ロシア中央銀行が暗号通貨取引所への支払いを「スローダウン」する, ロシア人の衝動的な投資を抑制する

Central Bank of Russia is now working with commercial banks in order to delay payments made to digital asset exchanges. The move aims to limitemotionalcryptocurrency purchases made byunqualifiedRussian investors, a CBR official revealed. The move is likely