
According to reports and a filing that shows its name struck off the U.K. companies’ register list, is sunsetting its Asset Management subsidiary. A company spokesperson cited deterioratingmacroeconomic conditionsand thecrypto winteras some of the reasons

Robert Kiyosaki Says World Economy on the Verge of Collapse — Warns of Bank Runs, Frozen Savings, Bail-Ins

ベストセラー本「金持ち父さん貧乏父さん」の有名な著者, ロバート・キヨサキ, says the world economy is on the verge of collapse. He warned investors about the risks of bank runs, frozen savings, and bail-ins that may come next. Robert

Rich Dad Poor Dad’s Robert Kiyosaki Warns ‘Everything Will Crash’ — Plans to Buy More Bitcoin

ベストセラー本「金持ち父さん貧乏父さん」の有名な著者, ロバート・キヨサキ, has warned thateverything will crash,” including gold, 銀, とビットコイン. でも, he sees crashes as buying opportunities, noting that he will buy more bitcoin. Robert Kiyosaki Reiterates

ロバート・キヨサキ氏、ビットコインが好きだと語る - BTCを「人民のお金」と呼ぶ

ベストセラー本「金持ち父さん貧乏父さん」の有名な著者, ロバート・キヨサキ, says he likes bitcoin, calling the cryptocurrencypeoples money.While admitting that he does not know much about bitcoin, 彼は言った: “私’m just glad I bought it at

Smart Contract Tokens, Defi Economy See Strong Growth, Market Capitalization Swells by $78 10億イン 30 日々

Smart contract tokens and the decentralized finance economy have been on a tear during the last month, gaining against the U.S. ドル. The market capitalization of the smart contract platform token economy has swelled by $78 billion over the last 30

JPモルガン: Crypto Is a Nonexistent Asset Class for Most Large Institutional Investors

A strategist at global investment bank JPMorgan says crypto is effectively nonexistent as an asset class for most large institutional investors. “The volatility is too high, the lack of an intrinsic return that you can point to makes it very challenging,”…

BitcoinマイナーのCleansparkが年末の見通しを引き上げる 10%, 企業のハッシュパワーが上回る 5 EH/秒

10月に 25, the bitcoin mining operation Cleanspark announced that the firms hashrate now exceeds 5 エクサハッシュ/秒 (EH/秒), a milestone achieved more than two months ahead of the companys original year-end goals. Cleanspark says it now aims to surpass


Despite the fact that bitcoin miners are getting bare minimums in profits per petahash per second (PH/秒), and the myriad of headlines showing specific mining operations folding from the crypto winter, ネットワーク’s total hashrate continues to chug along at close

シンガポールは、新しい規制に先立って暗号会社から詳細な情報を求めています, レポートが発表

シンガポールの金融当局は、都市国家とともに暗号空間の監視を強化するための措置を講じています’中央銀行は、企業にその活動と資産に関する追加情報を提供するよう求めていると伝えられています. 適用される規則の拡大の可能性に先立って, の…

テスラ CEO のイーロン マスクは、インフレはピークに達したと述べています — しかし、景気後退は続くでしょう 18 月

Tesla CEO Elon Musk believes inflation has peaked and the U.S. economy will be in a recession for about 18 月. “We do get a fair bit of insight into where prices of things are going over time,” the billionaire explained,…