UBS, la plus grande banque de Suisse, s'attend à ce que la législation américaine sur la cryptographie prenne du temps

la Suisse’s largest bank, UBS, expects the United States Congress to take a long time to pass cryptocurrency legislation despite mounting interest in crypto investments and regulators calling for Congress to weigh in on crypto legislation. Congress Could Take a Long Time

Visa s'associe à plus de 65 Plateformes cryptographiques - L'utilisation des cartes cryptographiques s'envole malgré la volatilité des prix

Visa has now partnered with more than 65 crypto platforms and exchanges. en outre, the payments giant revealed that crypto-linked card usage exceeded $2.5 billion in the first fiscal quarter, “which is already 70% of the payments volume for all of

Métaux précieux, Crypto-monnaies, Les marchés boursiers vacillent après les déclarations de Powell sur la hausse des taux

Equities, crypto markets, and precious metals did well during the early morning trading sessions on Wednesday, just before the U.S. central bank wrapped up its Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. While the Fed said in a statement that the benchmark

La société de paiement de Jack Dorsey est en train de "construire officiellement un système d'extraction de bitcoin ouvert"

In mid-October 2021, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey revealed the payments firm Block Inc. (formally Square) was considering joining the bitcoin mining industry. Three months later, Dorsey tweeted that his firm wasofficially building an open bitcoin mining system.” Le bloc’s Hardware

Le Royaume des Tonga pourrait adopter le Bitcoin comme monnaie légale, Dit l'ancien député

The Kingdom of Tonga may adopt bitcoin as legal tender, according to a former member of Tongas parliament, Lord Fusitu’un, who tweeted about a possible timeline for this event to occur. Fusitua believes that by next fall a bill will be

Le taux d'inflation aux États-Unis atteint son plus haut niveau en 40 Des années à 7%, Les démocrates craignent que l'inflation hante le parti

One of the hottest topics in the United States in 2022 is the rising inflation, as the U.S. Labor Departments data published on Wednesday indicated that the consumer price index (IPC) rose to 7% en décembre. This represents the largest annual

La Banque de Russie veut restreindre les investissements cryptographiques en bloquant les paiements par carte, Rapport révèle

The Central Bank of Russia is currently reviewing various ways to prevent Russians from investing in cryptocurrency. One the options on the table is to block card payments to certain recipients such as crypto exchanges, a media report has unveiled. UN…

L'Inde Swadeshi Jagran Manch appelle à l'interdiction pure et simple de la crypto-monnaie

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM), an affiliate of the nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, has reportedly passed a resolution demanding a ban on cryptocurrency in India. “Disobeying the ban should make person/entity liable to financial penalty,” the resolution states. Swadeshi Jagran Manch

La fondation Dogecoin dit qu'elle travaille avec Vitalik Buterin d'Ethereum sur un concept de jalonnement

Selon la Fondation Dogecoin, l'organisation travaille avec Vitalik Buterin sur la construction d'une preuve de participation (Point de vente) capacités pour le réseau Dogecoin. le “proposition Doge unique” vise à renforcer une “jalonnement communautaire” version du protocole. La Fondation Dogecoin discute du projet’s…