Le service de streaming Sling TV ajoute la prise en charge du paiement cryptographique pour les abonnements mensuels

Le service américain de télévision en streaming Sling TV a annoncé que la société accepte désormais les paiements en crypto-monnaie des clients payant leurs abonnements mensuels. Sling TV detailed the company is leveraging the crypto payment provider Bitpay and will accept seven different cryptocurrencies and

projets s'appuyant sur le protocole Zebec $50 Milliard

As the entire lot of 12,333 digital currencies hovers just above $1.8 trillion in value, the stablecoin economy has recently swelled to $178.8 billion or 9.9% de toute la crypto-économie. Out of the top five stablecoins, pièce de monnaie (USDC) saw

La proposition de Terra vise à étendre UST Stablecoin à 5 Différents protocoles Defi

On January 6, Terra Research announced a proposal to expand the networks stablecoin asset terrausd (UST) across a number of different protocols on Polygon, Ethereum, and Solana. Terre’s governance blog post discusses how the proposal to leverage $139 million of UST

La plate-forme immobilière Pacaso accepte les actifs cryptographiques pour les paiements, Le PDG déclare que «l'adoption massive de la cryptographie est en cours»

En octobre 20, the day bitcoin smashed a new all-time price high, the real estate platform Pacaso announced it will be accepting cryptocurrencies via Bitpay. The CEO of the real estate firm that helps people buy and co-own a second home,…

La BIS demande aux banques centrales de développer d'urgence des CBDC pour concurrencer les actifs cryptographiques

The head of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub, Benoît Cœuré, has urged central banks to act now on central bank digital currencies (CBDC) to compete with initiatives in the private sector, including cryptocurrencies. “CBDCs will take years to